The Better Part of Me...

I Got Da Winter Blues
2003-01-28 @ 2:14 p.m.

How hard does it suck when you have an entry almost entirely written out and then your computer burps and you lose the whole thing? It sucks. SO hard. SO fast.


I think I have my winter blues on lately. I think a lot of people do actually. I'm just feeling all blah-ey all the time. Margy just broke up with her man-o-the-month & Bear is apparently just watching Bridget Jones' Diary on repeat and I don't think anybody is their spunky zany selves lately.


So I got this e-mail from a guy who apparently found my MSN profile and wanted to, oh I don't me? Marry me? Whatever. He's in Texas. But he did send me to to "meet new and interesting people," so I'm all "hell YEAH!" Because there are few things I love more than new & interesting people. So I posted a profile this morning and I've already had 6 nibbles. That's unreal! I don't even have a picture posted! Unfortunately, the messages I've received have been of the "I am your prince charming," "Do you believe in love at first sight?" "How about a little hunka hunka kinky naked sexy sex?" variety and while I have felt rather lonely of late - no thanks kids.

Still though, what a fun experiment! Back in my day I was the queen of internet dating. I'm kind of over it now because I found that I generally had to weed through a TON of "No thank yous" before I even stumbled upon a "welllll...this might be worth further investigation..." While I never had any nightmarish horror stories, I did walk away with some, well, interesting stories and my life was just a hotbed of activity. Those were the days though - and I'm really NOT interested in reliving them. I'm just...dabbling. No. Not even dabbling. Casting my line to see what I get - and tossing pretty much everything back out there. Yeah. That's the most appropriate metaphor ever.


Can't Get it Out of My Head:Fading Away by Kristen Hall.

Reading:"The Bell Jar," still. Also the Television Without Pity recaps for The Surreal Life, Dawson's Creek, American Idol, and The Real World. Too many shows. So little time.

Recently Saw: Joe Millionaire last night. Fucking GROSS dude.

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