The Better Part of Me...

Weekend Plans
2003-01-10 @ 4:41 p.m.

Gads! I almost didn't get to update today. I spent all day looking forward to my 4-5 p.m. diary time and then someone dropped a project on me at 4 p.m. The fuck? It's FRIDAY dudes! Back off!

Turns out, I couldn't do the project anyway. I ain't got skillz yet. Or something.

So my sister's lumpy leg is just a lumpy leg. Some kind of fat sack or something. Weirdness, but at least she doesn't have thigh cancer.

I'm so glad it's almost the weekend. I don't know why. I have no plans. Well, I do, but I do not have plans that aren't incredibly dorky. Tonight I will (more than likely) go to Bingo (yeah. Bingo) with my mom and grandma and sister and sisters boyfriend. It was my mom's birthday on Monday. She gets free Bingo. God forbid my family pass up free Bingo! (For the record, Bingo is run as a charity fundraiser for the private Catholic High School that my entire family attended - my Grams and my sister currently work there part time. So the Bingo isn't entirely random.) Later, my little cousins are dying to spend the night in my new home, so I have graciously allowed the munchkins to settle in with me for the evening. So...YAY Disney movie marathon with the little people!

Tomorrow my aunt and my sisters boyfriend and I will begin pulling up the loverly snot green shag carpeting in my living room. Here! Here! To hardwood floors! Tomorrow night I will probably hole up on my new (to me) pink chair and watch movies - maybe with my sister and my sister's boyfriend.

I'm really not sure when I became this dorky. The future, as it stands, looks bleak. Unless my grams suddenly turns up with a moderately cute guy who makes me laugh til I cry and thinks nothing of random 3 a.m. emergency Perkins runs and to whom I am NOT related in ANY way, I'm going to die alone. It's bad when your sister's 19 year old boyfriend contemplates bringing a friend along for you, isn't it? Yes. Yes it is. Bad. And Humiliating. And wrong on several different levels.

Oh well. Weekends are still good. Sleeping in. Coffee. Pancakes. Saturday morning cartoons in my PJ's with the rugrats - who are cute, and fun, and NOT MINE so they will go home eventually and are therefore even more cute and fun.

Happy Friday y'all.

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