The Better Part of Me...

Mish Mash
2004-01-16 @ 1:27 p.m.

I hate the cable company. In case you were keeping track, that hasn't changed. I called today to downgrade my cable package (as I'm living alone again and can do without the $90/month cable bill) and was told that unless I want "Amish" cable (the local channels only) - there is nothing available for under $70. And "Amish" cable will still put me in the $60/month area.

It's robbery.



I "applied" (and I use that term lightly as I really only sent an email saying I'm interested in) for a job taking care of someone's 6 month old puppy. One hour a day, 4-5 days a week. It wouldn't pay much, but it also wouldn't be very demanding and...dogs! I'm good at dogs! So keep your fingers crossed!


I have no plans this weekend other than sleeping to my heart's content and spending as much time as possible in my pajamas drinking copious amounts of coffee. I half hope something more social comes up and I'm half mostly hoping it doesn't.

Happy Weekend in any case...


Listening To:

Still Reading: House of Sand and Fog by Andre Dubus III

Recently Saw: Friends last night - Monica and Chandler are becoming regular heartbreakers!

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100 Things