The Better Part of Me...

Letting Go
2004-01-14 @ 2:55 p.m.

The worst part of letting go of a crush is the simply not having anyone to have a crush on anymore. Obviously I still have Adam Brody and John Cusack (and my newly discovered Orlando Bloom), but it's not the same when a phone call doesn't set your heart to racing and every new piece of information revealed about your crush through late night conversations and intimate IM marathons doesn't give you butterflies in your stomach like you're falling...falling...falling.

On the bright side, every time I feel this way about someone new, it gives me hope that what I'm looking for is actually still out there.

On the other hand - letting go is kind of lonely. And it has been a long dry spell. Plus? Square one. Man. I hate square one.

In any case - I'm rallying. I've been busy. I plan to get busier. There is no heartbreak to be found here, only mild disappointment. It'll pass with time.


Listening To: "Why Can't I" by Liz Phair.

Still Reading: House of Sand and Fog by Andre Dubus III. Ugh. I've been breaking it up by reading my old faithful TWoP recaps.

Recently Saw: "Big Fish" last night (on strict orders from a fan). I liked it. I didn't LOVE it. It's not the best movie I've ever seen (which is how I've heard it described by those previously in the know) but I did enjoy it. It had a very Forrest Gump feel about it and it was...gentle. Sweet. Whimsical? I don't know. I did enjoy it. It's just not my favorite ever.

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