The Better Part of Me...

2005-03-15 @ 11:14 a.m.

Yesterday I arrived home to find the best kind of mail surprise EVER sitting on my front porch.

You may think I'm exaggerating, but I have photographic evidence:

This is all the stuff that was for me. It's hard to tell, but that stuff includes a bookmark that looks like Oliver, a magnet that looks like a mug of delicious beer, a pedicure set, a set of cute little stationery type cards, TWO (2) (!!!) packages of Reese's Peanut Butter Eggs and a Mix CD entitled "Songs that Even a Hurt Puppy Will Dance To"

And THEN....THEN...there was all this stuff for Oliver:

I expected him to be a lot more excited about it than he was. I'm thinking that it was the combined effect of the cone coller and the valium that kept him from spinning in circles and squealing like he used to. He did enjoy some tasty treats last night though.

Oliver also got this nice letter:

Seriously. If that doesn't convince you of the awesomeness of this package, nothing will.

A Thank you letter from Oliver will be forthcoming, but in the meantime I thought I'd get mine out of the way now:

Dear Sar,

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Best surprise ever. It completely made my day and even the thought of it makes the fact that my lips are acting up again just that much more bearable. The peanut butter eggs do not taste like dog treats! I cannot verify whether or not the dog treats taste like peanut butter eggs, but I'm pretty sure Oliver won't complain either way.

You're the best. I love you to pieces.


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