The Better Part of Me...

I Want To Stop....and Thank You Baby
2005-03-14 @ 3:03 p.m.

Shelly: So, I also didn�t realize how awesome my hair was when I ran the chicken out to you this morning. HOT.
The Boy: I thought it was funny.
Shelly: The things I do for you�
The Boy: The fact that you ran out to my car that early in the morning with chicken and in your jammies is priceless.
Shelly: I put my coat on! You needed your chicken! I sacrificed my dignity so you could have your chicken!
The Boy: I know, and I am grateful for that hun.
Shelly: Hee hee. I bet my neighbors thought that was awesome. And not at all white trashy of me!
The Boy: Heck no. KFC box, jammies with a jacket and sandals, and your hair all crazy. Not at all white trashy. ;)
Shelly: Lol! I wish someone had gotten a picture of that. It�d come in handy when I inevitably wind up on Springer.


I still rule, for those of you playing along at home.

The weekend was good, but not overly exciting to the casual observer (unless you count a trip to the Dollar Store exciting, which, obviously, I do). It was very domestic and included the care of small(ish) gimpy animals and at least one home cooked meal.

Life settled down (and slowed down) a little bit this weekend so I�m feeling a bit lighter in the neck and shoulders than I was last week. I�m not wound nearly as tight. Things are good right now � I�m not panicking about the boy or Oliver or Sarah T. or the ever dwindling supply of milk in my refrigerator.

Except, I�m maybe panicking a little bit about my milk situation.

It�s not happy times when there�s no milk in my fridge. I�m just sayin��

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