The Better Part of Me...

Musical Torch
2005-02-01 @ 11:49 a.m.

As promised...the torch:

1. What is the total amount of music files on your computer?

Approximately 1650. That includes CDs that I've uploaded and
music that I've downloaded.

2.The last CD you bought is:

BMG had a very special person (that�s me!) sale and I bought Keith Urban's "Be Here" and "Golden Road" as well as the Holly Williams album. It appears that
I'm on something of a country kick.

3.What is the song you last listened to before this message?

Until You by Dave Barnes. This song is in heavy rotation right now because it does something to my brain to keep it from completely freaking out. It�s like a tranquilizer of sorts. A godsend.

4. Write down five songs you often listen to or that mean a lot to you.

1. Until You by Dave Barnes
2. The Captain by Ingram Hill
3. Breathe (2 AM) by Anna Nalick
4. Collide by Howie Day
5. Suspended by Matt Nathanson

Those are the songs on constant rotation for me right now. Some of them mean something to me. Some of them I just really really like. All of them are doing their part to keep me from exploding.

5. Who are you gonna pass this stick to (three persons and why)?

Sar because we are musical kindred spirits and because she needs this. I�m also only going to pass this to Sar because I do not feel like playing by the rules.

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100 Things