The Better Part of Me...

Most Wonderful Time of the Year
2004-12-07 @ 9:44 a.m.

Miguel: Mark your calendar for December 21.
Miguel: That is when Miguel will be arriving for a 12 day Christmas vacation.
Shelly: I�ll prepare my liver.
Miguel: That�s exactly what Lars said! As if you two don�t drink when I�m not there.
Shelly: Who are you kidding dude? It�s more about sustaining the alcohol level over a period of 12 days than it is about whether or not we drink when you�re not here. Silly.


I had the most boring weekend ever.

Don�t get me wrong, I totally enjoyed it, but there is absolutely nothing for me to report back about. I cleaned the house. I watched some movies. I fixed the Christmas lights on my fence. I played with Oliver. I did not leave the confines of my own property lines for 48 hours straight. I spent no money (which was kind of the point) and I didn�t see another human being besides my roommate during that entire time. It felt kind of good. Especially since I KNOW that it�ll be the last weekend I have like that for a while. It�s not going to feel like Christmas until the parties start. The parties will start this weekend and will pretty much continue on through the season.

I really do hope my liver is prepared.

I also really hope that somebody thinks to serve Tom & Jerry�s because I�m having a serious T&J yen.

�ah. It�s the most wonderful time of the year.

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100 Things