The Better Part of Me...

2004-10-21 @ 9:36 a.m.

There is a super weird vibe at work today.

One of the doctors just made the secretary sitting behind me cry and I just noticed co-worker playing with her stress ball. I might be a little slow, but I�m just going to go ahead and suggest that this might not be a very good day for everyone around me which may make it a not-so-good day for me by default. I would kind of just like to go home � even though none of this has anything to do with me (and, in fact, I�m getting only smashingly with my doc lately. Plus, she is also leaving at noon today not to return until next Wednesday which makes for a mini vacation from workload reality for a couple of days).


Today is haircut day. This means the end is in sight for the hideous Farrah Fawcett hair the last couple of days have spawned. Yesterday wasn�t a very good day in and of itself, it certainly didn�t make matters better when I got home and realized I was looking very retro and awesome (natch).

I was just looking for a picture that would describe my hairstyle the last couple of days and I totally just stumbled upon this website. It�s like�hair art. I think I�m in love.


Recent events have unearthed in myself the profound fear of contortionists. I can�t even look at them. I recall attending a circus with Miss M. a couple of years ago and she was so excited about everything circus related and I, as it turned out, kind of think circuses are a little boring but then�the contortionists came out and I spent the next hour with my face buried in my sweater trying not to dry heave at the completely inhuman ways those people bend their bodies. I was shaking by the time we left the arena. I�m all about flexibility people, but there are most certainly positions the human body is not meant to take and much in the same way that I can�t bear to watch a needle piercing the skin (oh my God people, Requeum for a Dream and Trainspotting make me want to throw up just thinking about the drug scenes), I can�t watch human beings walk around on their hands with their feet tucked behind their heads.

Certain commercials (ahem, nestle) have taken to putting contortionists in their ads. I cannot deal with this and Sarah T. now knows by my shriek whenever one comes on the television.

I present to you, dear internet, irrational fear number 275.

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