The Better Part of Me...

One of those Weeks
2004-10-08 @ 11:54 a.m.

I think it�s safe to say (at almost noon on Friday) that it has been �one of those weeks�. I�m more relieved to see it end than I am excited about the weekend ahead. Here�s hoping next week doesn�t offer up the magnitude of suck that this week offered.

To give you a sort of illustration of how I�ve felt during this work week � I present�

I�m the guy with the �last word� there and�yes�I do make my own underpants from sandwich bags. Or at least, I really should start.

In any case � the weekend promises to be pretty mellow. I�m babysitting tonight which should be interesting (and possibly fun). Tomorrow may include a trip to the apple orchard to possibly purchase some pumpkins followed by a (probably) quiet evening in with some movies and some take out. We�ll see. It�s all sort of up in the air right now and I�m a fly by the seat of your pants kind of gal.

You know how it is.

Happy weekend!

This should probably go without saying, but I didn't write Dilbert. Scott Adams did. I just "borrowed" the strip for the day.

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