The Better Part of Me...

Bad Day...again...some more...
2004-10-07 @ 3:37 p.m.

My alarm went off at the same time Sarah T. turned on the shower today.

Luckily I had anticipated such a snafu and had moved all shower related products to the kitchen so I could wash my hair in the sink. This, however, does not mean that I was happy about washing my hair in the sink. Nor does it mean that washing my hair in the sink is my favorite way to start the morning. What I�m getting at here is that things definitely started off on the wrong foot.

After I finished washing my hair in the sink and drying it into a freakish pompadour that I eventually gave up trying to tame (and seriously? My hair never needs to be tamed. It�s not course or unruly enough to need to be tamed. My hair is thick but fine and when left to it�s own devices just sort of hangs around my forehead all chill and ��sup dudes?� so that my hair needed to be tamed this morning indicates that things never really found the right foot after starting so badly on the wrong one.) I noticed that my right eye felt a little wonky. By this time Sarah T. had moved from the bathroom into the kitchen, so I popped in to work on the pompadour and promptly did a double take.


Oh. Fucking fantastic.

ME: Um. What do you know about Pink Eye?
Sarah T.: HOLY SHIT!
ME: Oh. You can tell?
Sarah T.: I can see it, yeah. But if you didn�t have crust on it this morning, it might just be �one drunk eye.�
ME: Oh. This is fucking fantastic.

Turns out � it was �one drunk eye�. Or something weird like that. By the time I left for work my eye had gone from flaming red to a sort of soft pink. It still feels puffy and dry, but it�s not weeping or angry irritated anymore, so I guess it�s not pink eye.

As it stands, I kind of wish it�d been pink eye this morning. This work day has been something on par with the seventh level of Hell. I�m tired. My eyes hurt. My boss is apparently looking for stuff that was done wrong and she has her extremely loud voice on today so that I can hear her shrieking down the hallway and that shriek only gets louder the closer she gets to my ear.

All in all, today has been super.

I may be forced to drink tonight.

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