The Better Part of Me...

Beer Cleansing
2004-09-26 @ 11:46 a.m.

I'll admit it.

I was in a bad mood last night. I was left alone too long with my thoughts and I started to drive myself crazy while managing to work myself up about stuff I should just let go of at the same time.

Then Sarah T. showed up. Just drunk enough to make me giggle. So it was settled then - I threw on some "going out" clothes, slapped on some makeup and chauffered Sarah T. back to the wedding reception she had just left where I was treated to hugs from her poppa and several glasses of free beer. From there we headed to the bad bar (TM Weetabix) and...awesome.

Who knew I needed a night out like that?

Who knew, also, that I have bar friends now? There's a part of me that wants to be a little bit ashamed of that, but the truth of the matter is that when we walked in the door and Sarah T. got corralled away by a cousin or something and I started just standing there feeling silly and then I looked up and saw familiar faces my little heart lit up. So I plopped down beside them and settled in for the evening.

I haven't been that outgoing in...ages. Possibly years. I was shocked by myself and proud of myself at the same time. It was...awesome.

We closed the place down and invited one of Sarah T's cousins to stay the night. The three of us arrived home and sat out on the back steps until 4 a.m. talking and laughing and remembering how it feels to not be caught up in bullshit.

I'm tired. I'm a teensy bit hung over. But man, I am in the best mood.

I woke up this morning and had an awesome, long conversation with Miguel that included a revival of the game that brought us together (Solitaire Showdown - represent!) and included the following conversation:

Shelly: I keep thinking that I need to make you another mix CD but then we're running around not being BFF anymore and I'm a little annoyed by that. You should get right on that.

Miguel: No prob. We're officially BFF again.


In any case, it felt so...SO good to reconnect. To get something back on track. And it's better now than it used to be because a lot of things that made us fuzzy and weird before aren't there anymore.

So the bad mood has been washed away by beer (awww) and it's beautiful outside and...I have a football game to watch people...

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