The Better Part of Me...

The Prettiest Girl is in the 'Stang!
2004-08-26 @ 11:49 a.m.

I really didn�t mean to be gone for so long.

I think I may have forgotten to mention that I went on vacation.

I went on vacation and took a break from my life.

I spent the first part of last week here:

Be jealous.

Much time was spent reading, playing with the dogs and the family, soaking in the last of the summer sun, swimming, and walking up the enormous hill that separated the campground from the cabins.

I have a million pictures of the puppy�s adventures and one of me with my face all painted like a tribal warrior (although really, it�s supposed to be cat whiskers and I don�t think it�s really important for anyone to know the details of why I had my face painted like a cat so we�ll just leave it at that) but I paused as I was posting the dog pictures and thought �wow, is anyone REALLY interested in seeing 23 pictures of my dog?� No. Then I looked at the picture of me with the cat whiskers and decided it was entirely too�well�embarrassing for me to post. And that is that.


My grandparents will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary next week.

50 years.

I can�t even comprehend it.

I know it�s not exactly of this generation. I know that people don�t really get married when they�re 22, have 7 kids, and stick it out for the next 50 years through better and through worse. Literally.

There are some days when I wonder if my grandparents even like each other. They�re so different! They argue constantly and there are days when you can see that one is visably upset with the other one. But then there�s the look on my grandma�s face every time my grandpa gets a little bit sicker and her unfailing devotion to taking care of him and something about love (and marriage) makes a lot more sense. It�s not about always getting along or liking all the same things. It�s not about always agreeing with each other. These things are impossibilities, not guaranteed to take you anywhere much less 50 years down the road. We do not choose who we love, but we do choose how we care for that love, and love does require care � constant vigilance, and patience through the times when love feels a little bit more like hate than anything else. In the end � it�s about a promise. �I promise you that I will stay with you for the next hundred years or more, even when you piss me off, even when we don�t agree on anything, even when our kids turn into total dickheads and make our lives miserable, even when I am bored with you, even when we want completely different things, even when you are old and wrinkly, even when you are sick, even when you are dying. I promise this to you��

I know it doesn�t always work out that way. But sometimes it does�and I guess I�m just thankful to my grandparents for putting in the work, coming this far, and teaching me so�so much about love.


My diary needs a makeover. I�m hoping to work on that this weekend. I never thought I would be one of those people who felt the need to change their template based on where they are in their lives at any given moment but it would seem that I actually am one of those people.

If you haven�t read �The Time Traveler�s Wife� by Audrey Niffenegger - you should really get right on that.

If you have read �Geek Love� by Katherine Dunn, man�is this book fucked up or what?

If you haven�t seen �The Princess Diaries 2� then you are either A) a Boy or B) too cool for me because I thought it was the best!

Oh seriously � I�m shutting up now.

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