The Better Part of Me...

Weekend Roundup
2004-06-27 @ 8:07 p.m.


** Happy hour at the new Irish Pub with Sarah T. and some of her work friends. I always feel a little bit ashamed of myself when I meet someone who I'm sure I'm going to instantly dislike only to find out within the first 15 minutes that I was wrong. I wish I could stop snap judging people like that. On the other hand, it's also a very reassuring thing to me when the perky cheerleader type turns out to be the exact opposite of that and will, in fact, throw down with you when propositioned.

It's also really awesome to meet new people and hit it off immediately. It's especially awesome if your roommate comes home 2 minutes after you and walks in the door exclaiming "Lisa thinks you're FABULOUS!!" See the thing about that though is that chicks dig me. I rarely have a problem getting along with other females. It's a rare trait (I think) and I can't decide if I should be proud of it because I'm just that fucking cool or if I should maybe wonder what the hell kind of vibe I'm giving off that draws the chicks in and yet manages to repel every single guy ever (minus say...5)


** Pajamas til noon.

** Working in the garden with the headphones on (what's up Duncan Sheik?).

** Realizing that the garden is a much bigger project that originally thought and throwing down the hoe (heh) and reaching for the Roundup.

** Killing every damn thing in the backyard. Hoping that I maybe managed to not kill the peonies or the grass - but pretty much gleefully executing everything else growing back there.

** Happy nappy time.

** Oh look! Hot air balloon races! *sigh* awww...they're so pretty.

** Boum chicka boum boum - I look smashing.

** Bad bar. Bad bar. And...oh dear what is that lady wearing? It appears to be a t-shirt with the arms cut out of it and...flashing red earrings?

** "Shit. I forgot to wear my rubber pants."

** Beer!


** More beer!



** Dancing. Oh...oh my. The dancing.

** Dude. The drummer is OMG OMG SO HOTT! Oh. He's married? Okay. DUDE! The singer guy is OMG OMG SO HOTT!

** Possible, but unconfirmed singing while in the bathroom stall. (Me)

** Mullet count = 3. Mullet count total compromised by the fact that every other mullet dude knew someone at our table. It's difficult to make fun of the mullets when they're actually at your table.

** Patrick Swayze (circa 1987) definitely making eye contact.

** Oh. Yeah. Garlic bread at 3 a.m.

** Bear and Sar? You guys know. I *heart* you. Drunk texting is the best.

** ZZZZZzzzzzzz


** Still drunk.

** Must. Have. Burger King.

** Must. Lie. Still.

** Oh. The mascara ringing my eyes like football player markings is the hottest.

** The Last Samurai (which I loved a lot despite the fact that I tried really hard not to).

** Brief shopping interlude to ease the guilt of never setting foot outside of the house at all.

** Hey! My car smells like Burger King! --Oh. Shelly. Did you have a little trouble with the hash browns this morning?-- *Blank Stare* --There are seriously like 20 little hash browns underneath the seat over here.-- Oh. Shit. Well I guess that would explain why my car smells like Burger King then. Mother of FUCK. We could have EATEN those.

** Must. Have. Pizza.

** Must. Lie. Still.

** 50 First Dates which I actually loved a lot even though I was POSITIVE I wasn't going to. Oh. And I cried. As you do...

** Not returning phone calls. Not because I don't love people. Mostly because speaking out loud kind of...hurts.

** Bath time

** Bed time. Sweet...sweet...bedtime.

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