The Better Part of Me...

Drag Queen Bingo
2004-03-24 @ 11:15 a.m.

Sarah: Do me a favor. Look up the gay/lesbian Rochester homepage and tell me when the next drag show will be in town.

Shelly: Um, okay. This could take a second though because first I have to figure out what the hell you�re talking about.

Sarah: The gay/lesbian page! I think it�s

Shelly: No. That�s really not it. Just a sec, I�ll google it. Okay � got it. It�s the Gay/Lesbian Community Services. We have those?

Sarah: Yeah. Check the upcoming events to see when the next drag show is.

Shelly: Um��A Night of 10,000 Gowns� � it�s a drag illusionist show?

Sarah: No, that�s not it.

Shelly: Okay, well, that�s all there really is on here. Except. Oh. Dude.

Sarah: Did you find a drag show?

Shelly: Oh. Dude. Better. Much much better. Check this out: Drag Queen BINGO! April 17th. And this is the best part really � it�s at the SENIOR CENTER! We might have to go.

Sarah: Or maybe not. So there are no drag shows on there at this time then?

Shelly: No. None at this time. Just drag queen bingo which I can�t believe you�re not more excited about.

Sarah: Drag queen bingo is cool. I was just on a mission. Will you bookmark that page so we can check back?

Shelly: Oh. Awesome. I just bookmarked the gay/lesbian Rochester page. I hope my mom comes over to play on my computer. She already thinks I�m a lesbian.

Sarah: Or you�re grandpa, cuz he�s addicted to the computer.

Shelly: Oh. Seriously. That would be the best.


Another crazy (as in busy, not as in exciting) week. I�m ready to take a couple weeks off and lounge about on a beach doing absolutely nothing. Of course, that�s not going to happen so right now I�m agonizing over whether I should put in to leave at 3 p.m. on Friday or if I should just suck it up and work the whole day. Seriously � that has been my biggest decision thus far this week. Well, that, and whether or not to buy bakery dessert or frozen dessert for my Wednesday night festivities this evening.

I did meet up with an old friend of mine for lunch yesterday. She�s approximately 33 years older than I am but she�s one of the funnest people I�ve ever met. She�s also sort of my mentor. She never married but she has the best attitude on life. She travels a lot and has a ton of friends and being with her for any amount of time is like a breath of fresh air. When she told me yesterday �the thing about me is that I enjoy my own company � I never needed anyone to fill my voids for me because I was always perfectly comfortable filling them myself�� I knew that there�s more of me in her than I�m perhaps comfortable with, but also....if my life works out in a way that I�m kind of hoping it doesn�t � I want to be just like that.


Listening To: The new Indigo Girls Album. I�ve almost got it memorized now.

Reading: The Deep End of the Ocean by Jacquelyn Mitchard.

Recently Saw: American Idol last night, even though I�m not really into it this year. It�s pretty lame this year and I don�t really have my heart set on anyone, although I might be rooting for the red headed crooner guy just because I think he�s adorable.

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