The Better Part of Me...

Spring Fever
2004-03-19 @ 11:08 a.m.

Because some people are being meanyheads to Pam about her current weather situation, I thought I should pop in (all superhero style) and let her know that I feel her pain.

I feel ya sister-friend.

It hasn't been snowing here, but it's been spitting out some sort of snow/rain hybrid pellets at random and it�s been cold and dreary and miserable. As I walked to work today the wind hit me like repeated slaps in the face, making my eyes tear and my hair a lost cause. The ground (if it�s not still covered in the little piles of snow still left laying around here) is muddy and foamy and one step off a paved pathway could find you ankle deep in sludge.

I�m so tired of it.

I want to go camping. I want to sit by a campfire with a bottle of beer and my dog curled up at my feet. I want rides on the boat with the wind whipping my hair all out of control and feel the sun soaking into my skin. I want to be barefoot and wear summer skirts and sit on my back patio at sunset talking on the phone and throwing the ball for Oliver. I want to mow the lawn (and complain about having to mow the lawn) and tend my garden, and engage in constant battle with the weeds that insist on growing in the cracks of my rocked in section of backyard. I want to get up at the crack of dawn on Saturday mornings to pile in a car with my family and go garage saling (this years hot items: books, candles, and holiday decorations). I want to get sunburned (don�t tsk me, it�s inevitable) and sleep with fans in the windows.

I�m withering away here in this transitional stage. My spring fever is growing out of control. If �Uncle� is what it takes, then I�ll join Pam in saying it � just please, make the madness stop!

Oh yeah. Happy Friday!


Listening To: I cleaned all the CD's out of my car the other day and keep forgetting to bring one out with me to listen when I drive (which, during the week, is mostly where I hear my music) so it's been Radio city for me and apparently the ONLY song the radio here plays these days is that "Bounce" song by Sarah Connor. I might have liked that song if it weren't constantly waiting in the car speakers to jump out at me the minute I turn the key. It's old already and I've only been listening to the radio for 3 days!

Still Reading: Stones from teh River by Urusula Hegi. I couldn't put it down last night. My eyes were getting heavier and heavier and the book kept falling over but I didn't want to stop reading. I finally had to force myself to put it down and go to sleep. Needless to say, I'm all kinds of wrapped up in this book. I'll probably have it finished by the end of the weekend and I'll be sad to see it end.

Recently Saw: Another crap week for TV. Boo!

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