The Better Part of Me...

2004-02-18 @ 12:17 p.m.

I owe you guys some stories. I haven't forgotten. I'm just swamped here right now and have decided to save my stories for when I have the pictures to accompany them, so look for something a little more substantial from me this weekend.

My birthday went off without a hitch. It was one of the most boring birthday's I've ever had, but I was okay with that. Nobody forgot which is really the only surefire way to ruin it for me and I spent a fair amount of time on the phone regaling people with the stories of my weekend and how I fell in love (which, unfortunately for you, is one of the stories I plan to tell when I tell all the stories so...that's all you get for now) and then I attempted to do my taxes and then I sank into bed. I am out of control. Party animal. Woot.

The week is flying by at an alarming rate. I'm not complaining (which is something new for me, I know).

Pictures coming soon...tune in next time...


Listening To: Oooh. A new live Guster show that I found last night. It's the show they played at the Minnesota Zoo last summer when I wanted to go but they were all sold out. Turns out - it was an awesome show. Of course. At least I get to sort of live vicariously now...

Reading: I've been busy lately. Still working on the Da Vinci Code (it shouldn't be taking me this long - it's an easy read). I'll be finished by the end of the week.

Recently Saw: One Tree Hill last night. How depressing. I snurfled my way through it and then openly cried when Luke woke up to Nathan sitting by his bed. Cuz. Aww. The show is killing me...but I'm still so proud of it. It's come a long long way since it's craptacular debut.

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