The Better Part of Me...

Wacky Hijinks
2004-02-06 @ 12:12 p.m.

So have we determined the fact that when you take my actual age and do some fancy math with the age I feel most of the time plus the age that I act most of the time multiplied by the age that my brain functions at for the most part and if you divide all that by 100 (just cuz) and then add 16 (because it's my favorite number) then the real actual age that I am right now = 8?

I only ask because this week I came down with a raging case of strep throat (and I include that link because it actually is the link I used to help me determine whether or not that was what I was dealing with). I haven't had strep throat since grade school. It is not pleasant. It is, in fact, capable of reducing you - from whatever age - to an 8 year old's mentality. At some point on Sunday night/Monday morning Oliver began to whine that he had to go out. I threw a pillow at him and burst into tears because I don't feel good! Can't you see that? I don't have time to be your mom right now!" and then I promptly passed back out. I did somehow manage to get the sidewalks cleared on Monday afternoon, but I was drenched in sweat by the time I made it back indoors which isn't quite normal for someone who's been standing outside in 20 degree temperatures. By Wednesday whatever was growing in the back of my throat had reached mammoth proportions and I could barely talk. I made the mistake of trying to eat toast on Wednesday morning. I don't know why I tried to eat toast, I was feverish and starving and grossly unprepared for being as sick as I was. The toast managed to completely rip my throat to shreds in two bites before I threw the rest of it to Oliver and decided it was time to drag myself to the doctor.

So now I'm on the antibiotics. They make me feel a little nauseous - but they've reduced the goblin growing in my throat tremendously and now I can eat, swallow, and even talk again! I'm a big fan of drugs. Woo! Drugs!

Unfortunately, that's not the only adventure that's been going on this week. In the middle of my battle with the demons setting up camp in my throat, my grandpa decided to give me a run for my money and pull some crazy heart antics. He's back in the ICU now and it's been incredibly stressful and incredibly overwhelming and I haven't been allowed to visit him because I've been contagious which, as I like to keep control of things by keeping a close eye on them, has only made things more stressful and more overwhelming. I will get to go visit him tonight so I'm kinda/sorta looking forward to that (as much as anyone can look forward to something like this)'s been a long week. I'm so glad it's Friday.

I'm resting this weekend. On purpose. I'm drinking lots of fluids and maybe indulging in something incredibly solid and cheesy and bad for me because frankly I've had just about as much soup and popsicles as I care to see for a while.

Happy weekend y'all...


Listening To:

Reading: I just started the Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown last night. I'm approximately 8 pages in, but it seems fantastic so far.

I finished "Getting Over it" by Anna Maxted and it was a cute little book. Nice for reading in a feverish state.

Recently Saw: The BAchelorette the other night. Go Meredith! She still might actually be the only bachelorette I don't wind up hating. No more crazy eyes! No more mouth! That mouth though...he was a kidder.

Also: Friends last night which was just...aww. I'm gonna miss those guys.

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