The Better Part of Me...

2003-12-19 @ 11:47 a.m.

The weekend looms all warm and inviting. Unfortunately, it appears that this workday will never end. I'm determined to wile it away in the most unproductive way I think I'll just go ahead and get started.


I got this from this guy - who also voted me most likely to respond. Again. Apparently I am helpless in the face of an internet interest survey (or things of that nature).

What is your Full Name: Michelle Lynn Hastings

What color pants are you wearing right now? Khaki Cords - they're sort of my Friday staple actually.

What are you listening to right now: The squeaking of shoes as they walk past my desk, and the booming baritone of the doctor conducting an interview in the office nearby.

What are the last 2 digits of your phone number: 75 (and I think this question is really reaching by the does this give you any insight to my life, my interests, my physical makeup, or...anything really? It's just a weird question...)

What was the last thing you ate: oatmeal with raisins and toast

If you were a crayon what color would you be: burnt sienna

How is the weather right now: Cold. Freezing cold even. But clear and crisp. There's lots of snow on the ground. Sometimes my nostrils freeze together when I walk to work in the morning.

No kidding. Did I take that one too far?

Last person you talked to on the phone: My "bad" Grandma last night. She ambushed me.

First thing you notice about the opposite sex: Probably that they're a member of the opposite sex. After that there's a brief moment where I determine whether or not I'm at all attracted. AFter that it's the "are they married" hand check maneuver. Once all systems are a go - eyes or smile.

Do you like the person who sent this to you: After this long, if this is even something that needs to be cleared up, I'm just going to spit. I'll do it too. You think I'm joking.

How are you today: Um, fine thanks. I didn't realize how kooky this survey was until I started filling it out.

Favorite Drink: orange juice

Favorite Alcoholic drink: Malibu and coke, woodchuck amber cider, blue moon beer

Favorite Sport: Football

Hair Color: light brown

Eye Color: Brown/Green - they've got some funky chameleon action working for them on occasion.

Do you wear contacts: Nope (no glasses either)

Siblings: True. There's a whole gaggle of them with varying degrees of bloodline shared. We've got halves, we've got steps, we've got full blooded...they're everywhere...really.

Favorite Month: September's not terrible.

Favorite Food: Japanese

Last Movie you Watched: A Christmas Story last night.

Favorite Day of the Year: Christmas Eve, I suppose.

Are you too shy to ask someone out: Absolutely

Summer or Winter: Summer, but that's only because it's winter now. In the summer I like the winter. I live to be contrary.

Hugs or Kisses? Both please! If I have to choose, I'll go with hugs, but it had better be a big gigantic long and drawn out bear hug, or I'm not interested.

Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocolate (except, really? Peanut butter)

Do you want your friends to write back? Um. What?

Who is most likely to respond: N/A. Unless you guys all want to fill this bastard out and send it to me.

Who is least likely to respond: N/A.

Living Arrangements: Homeowner. Story and a half, corner lot. 2 bedroom currently (3rd in planning stages), 1.5 bath (will be 2 full eventually). Shared, currently, with my sister (full blood) and my crazy dog.

What books are you reading: Why Girls are Weird by Pamie.

What's on your mouse pad: On this computer - there is no mouse pad.

Favorite Board Game: Scattergories!

What did you do last night: Got a haircut. Ate dinner. Watched TV. Played with the Dog. Read. Slept.

Don't get me wrong - adventure is my middle name.

Can you touch your nose with your tongue: No. Which is a nice way of saying that my tongue is NOT freakishly long, actually.

Favorite Flower: Sunflower

What's the first thing you think of when you wake up in the morning? Make it stop!


And we'll follow that up with this week's Friday Five (is it clear that I'm bored yet? Are you getting that?)

1. List your five favorite beverages.

Orange Juice

Woodchuck Amber Cider

Blue Moon Beer (with orange)



2. List your five favorite websites.

Television Without Pity

Tv Tattle

Tomato Nation

The Onion

Yahoo Games

3. List your five favorite snack foods.


Kettle Corn

Chex party Mix

Hidden Valley Ranch Oyster Crackers

Puppy Chow

4. List your five favorite board and/or card games.



Trivial Pursuit



5. List your five favorite computer and/or game system games

The Sims


Drug Lord

Mario Tennis


Okay - that's it. It's lunch time so I can scram out of here for a bit. Sorry about the listing. More (better) updates with stories even (hopefully) on Monday.

Happy Weekend!

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