The Better Part of Me...

Rock n' Roll Grandma
2003-11-21 @ 4:19 p.m.

An update on the Gridlock game from yesterday. It is NOT your friend. I repeat. It is NOT your friend. If you're smart, you'll stay far far away from it.

You have been warned.


There are plans this weekend. Those plans include drinking with my parents. My grandparents will also be in attendance. You may think that sounds like a drag, but then I would show you pictures from 2 years ago of my grandma with a rosary draped around her head and a cigar hanging out of her mouth and tell you that this is the party I am going to this weekend and then you would understand. This is the kind of party everyone talks about for weeks to come. This is the place where legends are made. So I'll be there tonight. I'm hoping there'll be a good story in there somewhere. Lord knows I could use a good story right about now, I'm so damn boring all the time lately.

Happy weekend y'all!


Listening To: That oldies type song that they keep playing when they show previews for Trista and Ryan's wedding. It's super catchy and bouncy. La la la...

Reading: New Blender Magazine - so far so good. Living to Tell by Antonya Nelson.

Recently Saw: I saw the OC that I had skipped on Wednesday night. SWOON. I honestly don't know what I was thinking, giving up Seth Cohan for stupid Bob the Bachelor. Never again. EVER! Who should Cohen pick? Anyone got an opinion? I've got a few of my own...but I'll let the peanut gallery weigh in first. Let's hear it kids!

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