The Better Part of Me...

Vortex of Suck
2003-11-20 @ 2:12 p.m.

I have a new addiction. And now? So do you.


So - how about that Bachelor last night, eh? What kind of stink ass vortex of suck was that? I gave up the O.C. for that people! I mean, I taped it (obviously), but I chose not to watch it last night on the off chance that the season finale would be, as promised, the most dramatic ever!

Bob chose Estella. Woo. Now they can be annoying voiced and spastic together. Maybe she'll talk him into getting his hair cut. Maybe he'll make her eat a sandwich.

Whatever, I'm going home to watch the O.C. tonight and you can rest assured I won't be making that mistake again.


Listening To: Say Yes by Elliott Smith

Reading: The so-called "new" People which arrived in my mailbox almost 4 days late last night. Finishing up this week's TWoP recaps and still plugging away (rather successfully) at Living to Tell by Antonya Nelson.

Recently Saw: Pbbbbblt.

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