The Better Part of Me...

European Vacation
2003-11-19 @ 10:59 a.m.

I don't want to alarm anyone, but it looks as though I may get a European vacation all my own sometime in the next two years.

European. Vacation. Doing it Grizwald style minus the Big Ben.

My dad is in the Air Force and was stationed at Ramstein AFB in Germany in the early 90's. I got to spend the summer before my freshman year of high school traipsing about Germany and France with my dad and stepmom. To this day it remains in the top 10 coolest things I've ever done. I got to see the remains of the Berlin wall, wade in the mediterranian sea off the coast of France, sleep in a U.S. military hotel that had once been one of Hitler's Headquarters, and tour countless castles and fortresses. To this day there are certain smells that take me right back to the market streets in San Tropez, or a cozy inn with down comforters in Bavaria.

According to a voice mail left by my father last night, he's been offered a job just outside of Frankfurt and will be moving back to Germany in February. I'm not sure what the motivation is behind this insanity (I mean, besides the job) because it now involves moving 5 children under the age of 10 (the youngest one was just born in September) - but that is not my concern. My concern is - how long will they be over there and when can I come visit?

I will be visiting. Never mind that I haven't seen a house that my dad has lived in since 1999 (and he has since lived in 2 different states). Never mind that my relationship with my father isn't what one would call..."ideal." My dad. Will be in Europe. I have a fairly open invitation to visit. Opportunities like that don't fall into my lap very often (although, apparently, twice in a lifetime is not out of the question.)

Plus - I'd still love to see Paris. I missed it on my first trip and I think I might really enjoy it as an adult.

Museums and castles and pubs! Oh my!

Further updates will be forthcoming. Keep your fingers crossed.


It's amazing what the prospect of an international adventure can do to your state of mind.


Listening To: What Might Have Been by Little Texas (? - I think!?) Story of my life, at any rate.

Reading: Living to Tell by Antonya Nelson. Still no complaints. Also - of course - my TWoP recaps.

Recently Saw: One Tree Hill last night. Squee! They also played the new Sarah McLachlan song that I am crazy about right now. And there was drunken tattooing and evil Dan got thrown out of his house! And Nathan and Haley. Sigh. Good times.

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