The Better Part of Me...

2003-11-07 @ 2:00 p.m.

I stole this from her because I have no news and I've got nothing entertaining to say, so I've resorted to lists.


09 things you're looking forward to:

- 3:00 p.m.

- Dinner

- Christmas

- Madison in December

- Miguel's trip home in December

- December

- Sleeping in tomorrow

- Next summer

- My mom's holiday party in 2 weeks.

08 things you like to wear:

- my super cute new jammie bottoms from Old Navy

- flip flops

- The worlds oldest Adidas tshirt with the record number of tiny holes in it

- my fuzzy purple fleece pants

- my blue striped western style shirt. Cuz it fits now! It fits!

- my khaki cords

- my purple shoes!

- spoon ring

07 things that annoy you:

- the ringing in my ears

- Oliver whining for no reason (other than it gets my attention)

- The fact that People Magazine is supposed to be sitting in my mailbox on FRIDAY after work, and the last 2 weeks it hasn't come until Wednesday.

- my inability to say what I feel to those who need to hear it.

- My financial situation.

- Fucking Japanese Beetles or Ladybugs or whatever you want to call those things.

- The onset of winter.

06 things you say most everyday:

- Who wants a treat?

- Fucking Hell

- Are you crazy?

- Heyyyyyy.

- Oh, man.

- Dude.

05 things you do everyday:

- eat

- play with Oliver

- drink

- check email obsessively

- Use music as therapy

04 people you want to spend more time with:

- Bear

- Miguel

- Oliver (Well, technically he's not a person I guess, so...My mom? She's pretty cool.)

- My Gramps

03 movies you could watch over and over again:

- Office Space

- Gidget

- When Harry Met sally

02 of your favorite songs at the moment:

- Love Her For That, Teddy Thompson

- She Will Be Loved, Maroon 5

01 person you would spend the rest of your life with:

- Adam Brody. Oh wait, the NON creepy stalker answer to that actually doesn't exist. So the less pathetically creepy stalker answer to that must be...I'm not there yet. But when I get there? I might let you know.


Listening To:

Reading: Last weeks People. Cuz it got here late. Bastards.

Recently Saw: Only bits and pieces of the Thursday night lineup last night as Miss M. called and ranted for a while about the malpractice suit she wants to file against her mother's doctors in Virginia. It's odd because right now two of my closest friends are in the middle of very passionate, very political battles. Sarah has a sister with Down's Syndrome and she's currently battling the funding cut that has raised her family's monthly expenses from $15/month to $400/month. It's interesting to hear her rant on it, and I"m learning a lot as she does so. I'm planning to attend the next meeting that's held on it, although I'm afraid it'll break my heart.

Margy's ready to take on the Virginia medical board because she believes that negligence and blatant disregard for medical procedure are responsible for her mother's death last month. I think she's right, but we both know she doesn't have much of a case as her mother had been hospitalized for drug abuse prior to her death. That being the case, a malpractice suit is out of the question, but inciting an investigation on the two doctors involved with her mother's care is not.

I hope she fights them. I hope she wins. Because everything I've heard about the situation disgusts me. If our roles were reversed and we were talking about MY mom? People'd be fucking lucky if I didn't take it straight to Washington.

So it's loads of fun and bright eyed smiles around here these days. And for once, I'm not the one going batty over something!

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100 Things