The Better Part of Me...

This is Dedicated to the Ones I Love
2003-10-29 @ 11:13 a.m.

Dear Body (ears & lips - I'm lookin' at you),

You can stop now. I'm sick of your crap. It's time for you guys to grow up and act like adults without being all whingy about it and mocking me by being overly dramatic and behaving like senior citizens. Could you please just act like a normal 26 year old body for just one day? For crying out loud.

With much exasperation,



Dear Oliver,

You bet your sweet bippy that I'm not happy about you sleeping with my sister (your aunt) lately. It would be in your best interest to remember who feeds you and who hasn't made you take a dreaded bath in well over 6 months (even though you need one rather desperately). I'm just sayin'...when there's no more meaty treats just laying about for whenever you look particularly cute, maybe you'll remember who you're supposed to be keeping warm at night.

Haughtily yours,



Dear Ellie-Belle,

I'm sorry that you have the cancer. I'm especially sorry that you have to spend the day in the hospital and I'm sure you're scared. I can't wait to see you (probably tomorrow) and I'll make sure to bring you some of Oliver's meaty treats since he doesn't really deserve them right now anyway. I'll even make sure to let you have his ball while we're there since I know that makes you feel extra important.

I love you,



Dear Miguel,

You've been such a surprise and such a delight. I'm so very, very thankful.

Bear Hugs,



Dear sock-girlie,

I don't believe I have properly thanked you for my Corsage. It's the most and so are you!!




Dear God,

A little slack here? Please?




Dear Adam Brody,

I'm about 74 different kinds of excited for our date tonight. I'm so glad you're back. I've missed you!

*giggling like a schoolgirl*,



Listening To:

Reading: TWoP (too lazy to link) recaps & Farm Fatale by Wendy Holden. I'm moving slowly through the first part of this book. My heart's not in it.

Recently Saw: One Tree Hill last night. *swoon* Something about Chad Michael Murray's nether-regions...sort of helps to forget all the other not so swoony stuff going on lately. Oh yeah, and the show? It's not so bad.

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