The Better Part of Me...

Mostly Firsts
2003-09-18 @ 12:10 p.m.

There hasn't been much to report lately. I've been hit with a case of ennui that I can't seem to shake. The funny - she is gone. I'm hesitant to write the more emotional goings on because - well - they're emotional, and I'll either wind up looking like a hysterical 12 year old, or an even more pathetic embittered 26 year old. So, instead, until this passes (and it always does) - I'll fill this space up with meaningful (yet entertaining) filler.

Let's hear it for filler!


SO - I stole this from him.

First best friend: BV and I have been friends since 4th grade (so we were what, 10? Which makes our friendship...16 years old now? Yowza.) We're not "best friends" anymore, but we're still fairly close. I went to her wedding in May and we're working on planning annual girls trips to give us an excuse to travel sans boys, and to create one of those traditions that will be really cool once we're in our 50s.

first date: First real date? Where there are phone calls exchanged and plans are made and the guy picks the girl up and they go do something fun and then go home and kiss goodnight? Well then, I was 21, he was my first real boyfriend, we went to a baseball game and then sat up talking all night.

first real breakup: Well, I suppose it was 5 months after that delightful baseball game. It was messy. Really ugly. I even yelled and screamed - and I'm not a yeller or a screamer! Man, am I ever glad that period in my life is over.

first real kiss: I was 20 (yeah, I was a late bloomer) - and sadly, I think I just wanted to get it over with. The kiss was nothing was just a gateway kiss.

first job: Working as a bagger at a local grocery store. Best. Job. Ever. It was seriously so much fun...

first screenname: Seussette. I used that screenname at my first ever Chat Room. Chat buddies there later shortened me to Seussie.

first self-purchased album: Madonna - Like a Virgin. It was a record album y'all. And not because I was being ironic and cool. It was cuz that's all we had at the time - was a record player.

First funeral: N/A - there hasn't been on yet *knock on wood*

first pet: Fievel the Hamster

first piercing/tattoo: Technically the first piercing would be the holes in my earlobes. First tattoo would be the frog on the inside of my right ankle.

first credit card: Citibank Visa. I used to be SOOOOOOO good with this stuff.

first true love: Tony Rogahn. That ended disasterously when I punched him in the 7th(ish) grade. It's a fact people, I have always had mad skillz with the boys.

P.S. Tony? If you ever find this...I'm super sorry about the punching thing.

first enemy: Jessica Oldre. She tortured me in Junior High. I hated her. I think we wound up being okay though. I ran into her at Wal Mart a couple years ago and she had a gaggle of children. Weird.

first big trip: My trip to Europe (Germany, French Riviera, Austria) in 1991. It was the first flight I'd ever taken and I flew alone.

last big car ride: My trip to Northern Minnesota the last week in July. It was only about 5 hours in the car. The last big one before that was the drive home (to Minnesota) from North Carolina when I moved back here last October

last kiss: Ohhhh. This is such a sad question. It's been over a year since I kissed a boy. I never thought I'd end up here.

last good cry: Last good cry? Wow - it's been a really long time. I suppose it was when Adam left. I've cried since then, of course, but I haven't cried like I cried then.

last library book: Library book? Wow. I think I was 17. I've been thinking about getting a new library card and saving my $$ by getting my books there instead of B&N, but I've become rather addicted to B&N and am not sure I am ready for the switch.

last movie: Chigago! Which I netflixed a couple of weeks ago. Last movie in the theater? American Wedding.

last beverage: Water. I'm fanatical about my water these days.

last food eaten: Kettle Corn (yum!)

last crush: *blush* Never you mind.

last phone call: Sarah on Tuesday night. Last night was pretty quiet.

last tv show: Carnivale on HBO last night.

last shower: 5:30 a.m. this morning. Be jealous.

last shoes: Last shoes worn? The brown yuppie skechers that I wear to work. Last shoes bought? Black "fuck me" boots that are just a smidge too small, but they're so hott.

last cd played: Lifehouse - No Name Face. Say what you will about Lifehouse, but this CD is absolutely a must-have to get you through blue periods.

last item bought: Some bras this morning. I had a moment of weakness. I don't even like bra shopping.

last annoyance: waking up this morning. waking up (to an alarm clock anyway) is the most annoying.

last soda: Diet Coke last Saturday. I'm not a big soda person.

last ice cream: I nibbled at my sisters Chocolate Waffle Cone Dreamery ice cream this morning. I don't think she's eaten any of it yet and it's like 1/3 gone. I hate it when she does that. I just keep nibbling til it's gone. I'm so weak!

last time scolded: I think it might have been 1999, before I moved out. Or no - it was a few weeks ago regarding my credit card habits. My mother is a banker so she's annoying about stuff like that.

last shirt worn: Currently: light blue, navy blue, khaki, white striped shirt. Before this - the ginormous Adidas tshirt that serves as the most unattractive pajama shirt ever.


Listening To:

Still Reading: The Fourth Hand by John Irving

Recently Saw: The Season Finale of Sex & the City. FABULOUS! I'm so happy that Miranda & Steve finally got together. SO! Happy!

Also - the series premiere of Carnivale. That show is weird, y'all. However - there are midgets. And WHORES! So I'm going to try to keep tabs on it...

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100 Things