The Better Part of Me...

2003-09-08 @ 11:31 a.m.

Sarah: I was browsing through MSN profiles and I stumbled upon my boyfriend The Russian�s.

Me: Ooh. I bet that�s a good one. Are you going to write to him?

Sarah: Um. Hardly. Even if his English wasn�t atrocious and he didn�t have sketchy drug connections, there would still always be the fact that his mom grabbed my boobies.

Me: Oh. Parental boob grabbing � that would probably be enough to keep me away too. It�s too bad though. He�s not a bad looking guy despite the fact that he looks like a Transformer.

Sarah: You are so mean!

Me: What? I said he�s not bad looking! He�s just�sorta square and stout, like you could fold him up into a little car. Lots of chicks dig that sort of steroidal-like body enhancement.

Sarah: He�s too pumped up for me. I�m sure it doesn�t extend to �down there� either.

Me: Oh. I�m so sure not. You know what they say�

Sarah: Yeah. Wait. No, what do they say?

Me: Um�I don�t know. You were just supposed to nod appreciatively and perhaps offer an �Amen, Sistah-friend.� To that.

Sarah: Oh. Sorry.


All in all, not a bad weekend. I made $32 at the garage sale - which won't exactly fund my trip to North Carolina, but it will buy some beer while I'm down there, so I'm not complaining.

Yesterday afternoon was spent sprawled out on Sarah's floor watching my Vikings trounce the Packers. We had the obligatory pizza and beer and occasional cussing at the TV (because seriously, Cunningham, is it necessarily to be such a huge doofus?), only we did it without the aid of boys which I think might make us the coolest girls on the planet.

The rest of the weekend floated by on daydreams and sighs.


Listening To: I Don't Wanna Be Right by Chris Bryan.

Reading: Boy Next Door by Meggin Cabot.

Recently Saw: Mostly True Stories: Urban Legends Revealed on TLC last night right before I went to bed and boy...was that a mistake. I was convinced that there was a man hiding in my basement or that I could hear scraping sounds against my window as I drifted off to sleep. I don't usually scare easily either, but the stories sure got to me last night. I think it's the narrators voice - he has scary Robert Stack (God rest his soul) voice. Eek!

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