The Better Part of Me...

Falling in Love
2003-09-03 @ 1:15 p.m.

I love that it's been so cold the last couple of mornings that Oliver has taken to plastering his entire body against my side in an effort to stay warm. This ensures that I wake up in a cocoon of fuzzy blankets and warm wiggly puppy body.

I also love that when I come out of the shower that warm wiggly puppy body is still laying there, lazy, in the warm spot my body left behind.

I love that 'tis the season of Sunday afternoon football games and naps on the couch with the windows open and my favorite fleece blanket staving off the cool breezes.

Mostly, right now, I love that you're happy to hear from me all the time, no matter what, and that I am still capable of feeling this way after all this time.


Listening To: Bliss by Alice Peacock (w/ John Mayer)

Reading: Would you hate me if I admitted it was a harlequin? Because I'm seriously desperate right now and that's all I could come up with last night before bed. My B&N shipment didn't come through yesterday. I am so ashamed.

Recently Saw: The OC last night. I feel so sorry for you if you're still not watching that show. Mostly because you totally missed out on getting dibs on Seth (Adam Brody) - cuz now I have them and if you touch him I will scratch your face off.

<3the OC<3

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