The Better Part of Me...

Seasons Change
2003-09-02 @ 1:04 p.m.

I devoted my weekend to making my mama proud.

That is to say, I drank early and I drank much and sometimes I drank two drinks at once (in a classic two-fist move I wasn't sure I was still capable of in my advanced age.) Drinking commenced at noon when we found ourselves perched in the sun on a sandy beach miles from civilization and with nothing more than a cooler full of beer and a bag of Cheetoh's. Drinking ended sometime after 10 p.m. when it became clear to me that there was no longer a single activity I was capable of doing outside of breathing. I don't know how I made it from the campfire to the sleeping bag without making myself bleed, but clearly there were higher powers at work there.

Miraculously enough? No hangover Sunday morning! Against all odds I have managed to elude yet another nasty morning after. I take this as encouragement to continue such behavior.

Sadly - the end of Labor Day weekend means there are no more holidays til Thanksgiving. It also means the end of summer and I just have no idea where this summer went. It was one of the more fun summers in my recent past. I can smell Fall in the air now and I know it's just a matter of time before the leaves fall and the air becomes too cold for outside activities. It's already dark when I wake up in the morning and dark earlier in the evening as well. Fall is my favorite season, but I'm having a little trouble letting go of summer this year.

This will pass. I'm already dreaming about Christmas and driving a select few crazy with my incessant ramblings about where my Christmas tree will go and what treats I will make. People don't respond well to talk of Christmas in September. Scrooges.

I have one more vacation to go before I resign this summer completely. I'm headed to North Carolina the first weekend in October for the annual beer festival. I'm all kinds of excited about going - mostly for reasons I'm holding close to me right now (and which have only a little bit to do with beer).


Listening To: Green Eyes by Coldplay

Reading: I'm fresh out of good books right now. My B&N shipment should arrive today, so hopefully this won't be the case much longer.

Recently Saw: Chicago last night. I enjoyed it. It wasn't the best movie I've ever seen, and I got a little fidgety about an hour and 15 minutes in - but I was impressed with the singing voices and the way the movie was pulled off. Plus, I totally love Queen Latifah.

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