The Better Part of Me...

B's Prayer
2003-08-19 @ 10:16 p.m.

The panic alarms start ringing the moment you pick up the telephone to find hoarse, jagged sobs on the other end. Without even registering it, the mind kicks into overdrive and 3000 worst-case scenarios begin rushing through your head. You have no idea what's going on, but without a spoken word you know this much: something's wrong.

Something is wrong.

I don't know how to comfort my broken friend right now. I don't know how to make her heart feel better, to stop the tears, and I can't even say "it's going to be alright" because how will she ever trust me again if I'm wrong? I hope that the simple solidness of me, the fact that I am here at all, is of some comfort, but I know better than that. I'm important, but I am lacking the sort of supernatural God-like powers that would make me any kind of comfort at all.

I will do what I can, I say.

What can I do? I can be at the other end of this phone any time you need me. Any hour of the day. Any day of the week. I can be as solid as I need to be to hold you up while you begin to crumble. I can go to Hell with you, if you need me too, because I've been there before and I am not afraid of it and I will fight the nasty demons you encounter along the way. Mostly importantly - I will pray for you because no matter where you find yourself at the end of this hard journey, God is there. He is listening.

So let's start now...

Dear God,

Please watch over my friend and her family. Keep them safe and warm in your loving embrace. Let no harm come to them and let them be strong during this difficult time. Let their faith and trust in you guide them along this unchartered territory, and please ease their fear and discomfort. They need you now God, so with them.


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