The Better Part of Me...

Hair Faux Pas - Take 1
2003-08-14 @ 3:22 p.m.

People need to stop getting perms. Seriously. Just...don't. It hasn't been cool since at least the mid-80's and your hair looks better all stick straight and limp than it does all curled up like a poodle around your head. If you're over 60, I maybe understand. I understand that sometimes the hair thins and you need that perm to make it look like you still go it. I think when you're over 60 you can do anything you damn well please, including dying your hair old lady blue, and not have to apologize for it. If you're under 60? Just...stop. There are no excuses for that kind of behavior.


I do not respond well to aloofness. That's a little something I learned about me lately. You would do well to bear that in mind when dealing with me in the future because, also? I bite.


Listening To: I'm About to Come Alive by Train. This"In every frame upon our wall/Lies a face that's seen it all/ Through ups and downs and then more downs/We helped each other off of the ground/No one knows what we've been through/Making it ain't making it without you"

That's all I'm sayin....

Reading: Running with Scissors by Augusten Burroughs.

Recently Saw: The OC the other night. Why are you not watching it yet? It's the best thing to come along since Dawson's Creek. Seth is one of the most loveable characters I've ever seen on prime time TV. They say stupid shit like "Welcome to the OC...bitch." in really preppy-like voices so that it sounds really forced and comical. Seriously. Watch it.

Also - American Wedding last night. Hi-larious. I think the second one is my favorite, but if you liked the first two you'll like the third. There were some scenes that just made me crack up and the ending is pretty sweet. Good times there.

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