The Better Part of Me...

2003-07-25 @ 11:22 a.m.

Miller: I think I need to head back to Barnes & Noble this weekend to hunt down this girl I saw there last weekend. Does that make me a stalker?

Shelly: Um. I think any time you use the word "hunt" in the same sentence as "this girl" - you are treading dangerously close to stalker territory. Yes.

Miller: Yeah. I guess it's not really "hunt" though, so much as it is..."stare at."

Shelly: Uh-huh. That's significantly less creepy. Good job.


Another wedding this weekend. After that I am free! of weddings until sometime in September or October. Thank the Lord. This is my last friend wedding too - and it will be for a while probably too (unless one of the few single friends left surprise me with a shotgun wedding out of nowhere.) I expect that I will be more excited for the rest of my friends when they get married as A) I will probably play at least a little bit bigger role in their weddings (and yes, it really is all about me) and B) I trust them not to anything stupid. I think that's really all I have to say about that.

I don't expect to have heaps and heaps of excitement to report on Monday, but I guess one never really knows. Keep your fingers crossed!


Listening To: The Pretender by Jackson Browne. I lurrrve me some Jackson Browne.

Reading: In Her Shoes by Jennifer Weiner. It's no secret that "Good in Bed" is like one of my favorite books ever and I am very happy to say that In Her Shoes is JUST as good without being even remotely the same. I think I may have found a new favorite author.

Recently Saw: Millie "the Mole" and Chuck "the werewolf" get their just desserts on the Amazing Race last night. Further proof that there is a God. Indeed.

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