The Better Part of Me...

The In-Crowd
2003-07-29 @ 1:17 p.m.

There hasn't been much to say lately. The pukey wedding last weekend wasn't so terrible after all. There was much dancing and drinking, carousing and hooliganism. Threats to "beat [people's] face in" were issued hand in hand with threats to "throw up all over your face" and there was even a discussion as to whether or not I am "so nice that people want to just scratch your face off..." (I still contend that I am not that nice - and countered the point by throwing down my purse and assuming boxing position. Lucky for everyone (especially that dude) no punches were thrown.)

All in all, I'd say it was a smashing success and has given me a taste for the social butterfly scene. It appears that there will be more opportunities, in days to come, for me to hone my social skills and maybe (perhaps!) I will hang out with the "popular" kids. You know the type - they all wanted each other in high school and most of us, the geekier kids, wanted them too. I haven't had a single conversation ever with most of the "popular" kids, so I figure - what better time to start? An invitation has been extended...can this girl leave 26+ years of snorty laughing geekdom behind to join the ranks of the assy faced corporate junkiedom of the "in-crowd?" Ah...tune in tomorrow....


Alas, there will be no tomorrow! That is to say, there will be no update tomorrow. I get a (sound it out) vacation! Woot! I am leaving tonight and will not return until sometime Saturday afternoon. I will try to cause as much trouble as humanly possible, be assured.


Listening To:

Still Reading: In Her Shoes by Jennifer Weiner. I'm almost done! Again, this book is just so...soooooo good! I adore it!

Recently Saw: A friend I'd been out of touch with for about 8 years for margaritas last night. It was interesting. It was fun, but weird. I'd like to hang out with her again - but not all the time. The whole situation is giving me a complex...there will be more on this at a later date.

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