The Better Part of Me...

The Matchmaker
2003-07-23 @ 2:29 p.m.

My mom is trying to set me up with a boy. She swears up and down that she wants us to be "just friends" and then she spends the next 5 minutes going on and on about how he's a college grad and he just bought a brand new car! And he's really really nice! And then she'll catch herself and swear up and down that she really just thinks that we should go out sometime - maybe with my other friends - as just friends. Who does she think she's fooling? I know that at right this moment she's got little stars dancing in her eyes while she dreams of the two of us dancing at our wedding while she and the boy's mom (who happens to be a friend of hers from work) sit teary eyed watching. She's seeing little grandbabies trailing around after her like little lemmings, worshipping the ground she walks on. I know she's salivating at the thought that this might be the one! and that I'd have her to thank for it!

So I told her that I'd consider it as soon as he bought his first house.

I love nothing more than being a little brat.


Listening To: Jason Mraz. It's the only CD I have in my car right now and I've been too lazy/forgetful to put another one in. I like the first half of the CD. The second half is kind of meh.

Reading: I started "In Her Shoes" by Jennifer Weiner today and I am very excited about it. The little bit I've already read is so so good! I think she might be my favorite author.

Now, especially for Alison who I know is awaiting my review of "Jemima J." with baited breath. I think I may have been too hard on it. It took me more than half the book to get used to the writing style. I'm not a fan of how Jane Green switches voices - moving from 1st person to third person throughout the entire book but I got used to it. I was extremely angry that she never addressed the unhealthy way in which Jemima dropped the weight. More than 100 pounds in 3 months? Are you kidding me with that? The only means in which that is possible (if it even is possible) are extremely dangerous and unhealthy. Nobody ever points that out to her. Nobody ever addresses the fact that she might have a serious problem. Everything is focused on the fact that she was fat and ugly and now she's itty bitty and pretty. I don't know. It bugged me. It bugged me how looks obsessed the book was and how there were really no extremes - the characters were either stunning or extremely frumpy and only the stunning people were allowed to lead happy lives, the frumpy people were miserable and full of self loathing.

I don't know - there's a message that the book is sending out and a tone that the book is taking that I really didn't feel comfortable with. I will admit that by the end I was utterly hooked and I was so happy with how things wound up! I wouldn't, however, recommend the book to a friend. At least not if it meant they had to spend money on it.

Recently Saw: The last half of Queer Eye for a Straight Guy last night - and OMG how much do I love those gay guys? I just want to squish their heads in! The clothes guy is hysterical! I just might have 5 new gay boyfriends. Watch out!

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