The Better Part of Me...

Coming Out
2003-07-18 @ 11:26 a.m.

I have a confession to make.

I�ve been carrying this around with me for months now and it�s eating me alive. I know that this admission could cost me some friends and most certainly the respect of�well�of anyone who had previously respected me. Admitting to something as monumental as this is sure to carry with it repercussions, but the weight of this secret has become too much and it�s time to let it go.

I don�t find Jennifer Lopez to be completely unbearable.

There. I said it.

The truth of the matter is that I kind of like her. A little bit.

It�s true. I go to her movies (awww � the Wedding Planner), I dance to her songs (I even know all the lyrics to a few of them) and I think her little sweatsuit thingies are cute. Also? She�s on the list of women I�d �.well�.you know. If that were my thing. Because I also think she�s hott.

Stop looking at me like that.

Don�t get me wrong, I�m as sick of hearing about her as everyone else is. Jen and Ben. Ben & Jen. Ben bought Jen a 6.5 carat engagement ring. Ben bought Jen a Ferrari Spider. Jen bought Ben an Aston Martin Ben bought Jen a jewel encrusted toilet seat. Ben & Jen are in lurrrrve. Look at them. Look at them being schmoopy and cute. And there she is all giggily about her wittow wuvvie duvvie Benny Boo. Awwww. Isn�t that cute? Don�t you just want to inflict pain upon them until they cry? Yeah. You do. So do I. It�s sickening. Why should we care? Why do we care? Why do we get so enraged about this stuff? Who cares if J. Lo is taking shits on a $105,000 toilet seat. $105,000 is nothing to these people. It�s like dropping $100 on a new toilet seat. And if it�s true, IF it�s true�do you not think that maybe it was a joke? An expensive joke yes. A gluttonous joke, yes. But a joke nonetheless. And how do we fault these guys for spending that kind of money so carelessly when they�re most certainly not the only ones in Hollywood doing it.

And so maybe the couple is doomed � as so many couples in Hollywood are. Maybe they�re rushing the marriage thing and it looks incredibly impulsive and rash. Maybe sometimes things don�t look as clear to you when you�re under the spotlight 24/7 and I have a feeling that being young and famous in Hollywood does an awful lot to skew your vision of reality (yeah, I�m lookin� at you Ashton Kutcher). I suppose the bottom line is that who these people marry and divorce is really none of our business. They�ll make their mistakes and then they�ll move on with their lives and make more mistakes. Just like the rest of us, just on a grander scale.

So there. There it is. My secret bared for all the world to see. My name is Shelly and I am a J. Lo fan.


In other news - I will be attending my first ever bachelorette party this weekend. Here's to hoping that I will drink too much and get into trouble!


Listening To: Every Time I Look At You by KISS (the unplugged version is gorgeous y'all...)

Reading: Jemima J. - and it's decidedly different than I expected it to be. It's growing on me. It flips between 1st person & 3rd person POV's and that's a bit distracting (and kind of annoying sometimes). I'm getting used to it though so there's hope for the book yet. It better not suck. I went into it with high expectations.

Recently Saw: The Amazing Race last night. No one was eliminated. Psh. What's the fun in that? Except maybe watching Millie fall into the fish hole. Hee. :)

Also - Ben & Jen's Dateline which pretty much inspired this entry. I know that there's a lot more important stuff going on in the world right now - but it's important to sometimes sit back and take a breather. I was watching the Jen/Ben thing and...wasn't...disgusted by what I was seeing. My sister came home at the end of it and I looked helplessly up at her from my position on the couch and said "Um, I don't hate J. Lo." to which she responded "Yeah. Okay."

Also - that Santa Monica Farmer's Market freak accident thing is incredibly depressing. My heart goes out to...all of those people. Including Russell Weller.

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