The Better Part of Me...

Older My Ass
2003-06-30 @ 2:33 p.m.

I stole this from him who got it here.

What Your Birthday Says About You

Of rare beauty (Obviously)

knows how to adapt (Absolutely - though usually not without a great deal of resistance first)

likes luxury (well...yeah.)

of good health (mostly)

not in the least shy ( the least actually. I can be pretty shy when the occasion warrants it.)

tends to look down on others (hee hee. True. But this is only a recent development in my personality. Since I discovered that most of the world is much dumber than I am.)

self-confident (Sometimes.)

determined (Absolutely.)

impatient (Depends. Patient with people. Impatient with everything else under the sun.)

wants to impress others (Not necessarily. Doesn't want to disappoint others would be more accurate. I don't care much about impressing others - unless it's with how much I can drink in one sitting.)

many talents (True. I can roll my tongue, raise one eyebrow & wiggle my ears. At the same time, people.)

industrious (Eh - when I feel like it, I suppose.)

healthy optimism (True. Tempered only by my cynicism. It should be noted here though, that cynicism is not the same thing as pessimism.)

waiting for the one true love (True. Freaky Deaky True.)

able to make quick decisions. (True - but at the same time, I can only make decisions when they have to be made quickly.)


Hm. So my friends Sarah & Barbie and I took Miss M. out to the bars last night. The bars, on Sunday night, are a rather scary place to be. We did manage to find a table amid the sea of unsavory characters however, and were accosted by a young buck almost immediately after seating ourselves.

Young Buck: Hey - are any of you ladies married?

Us: No.

Young Buck: *perplexed look* Um. Really?

Us: Yes. Really.

YB: Oh. Well, I need a married lady. Wait - well, you guys are older so you'll work.

Us: *shocked* OLDER? Dude. Watch your mouth.

YB: Well, don't get me wrong. I mean, you all have beautiful smiles.

Us: ...the fuck?



We look 21 if we look a day. Shut the fuck up y'little wet behind the ears, fresh from the teat, spring chicken.

Older. Older, my ass.


Listening To:

Reading: I finished Back Roads yesterday. Yowza. It was a good book but it didn't stop being messed up. I had actually offered to let a coworker borrow it from me when I finished with it and I'm a little afraid to lend it to her because...well, it's pretty messed up. We shall see.

Also: New people. Skinny people bug. Lara Flynn Boyle needs to eat a sandwich.

Recently Saw:

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