The Better Part of Me...

Fully Operational
2003-05-07 @ 9:00 a.m.

Tomorrow is the "big day". By that I mean that tomorrow is the day they (and, so we're clear, I'm referring to ENT specialists here, not the mafia) will cut my ear off, fiddle around with the innards, and then sew it all back on as if nothing ever happened.

I'm super okay with that. Really, I am.

No. I did not have a dream last night that I was having ear surgery and the anesthetic they gave me didn't fully work so I was kind of half awake when the doctor started poking around at my eardrum and I had no way of letting him know because I was numb and paralyzed, but just not completely so. And then a plane crashed and I realized (somehow) that my surgery was taking place at an airport in CHINA. My nerves are just fine, thank you. Shut up.

I've had this surgery before, so it shouldn't really be that big of a deal. I've been having ear surgeries on and off since I was born, pretty much. I have chronic bad ears and am, in fact, 85% deaf in my left ear. The surgery tomorrow is meant to repair a hole in my left eardrum and to insert a prosthetic something-or-other in there that is intended to improve the hearing in that ear. That would be wonderful! I cannot even imagine what it would be like to have full range hearing. Good times. Seriously.

However - needles. And, y'know...cutting and slicing and general pokery. And I have a slight cold so I'm sure I'm going to be coughing up the trach tube or at the very least snotting all over the anesthesiologist. And - needles. Have I mentioned my fear of needles? It's more of a phobia really. I can take shots alright, but if we start getting into drawing blood or inserting catheters into my veins? Oh my God. I'm going to throw up.

Seriously? Slice my ear off, and I'm totally okay with that. But is it possible to have myself knocked out before trying to insert anything into my veins. GAH! I even hate that word! "Veins!" Gross!

I have to stop talking about that now. I'm getting all weak fingered and squicked out.

In any case - I won't be around for a couple of days. I'll be recovering at home with my head all bandaged up. My mom has arranged for round the clock babysitters for me for the first 24 hours after surgery - which should be interesting as I haven't had a babysitter in some 14 years or so. I originally raised quite a fuss when I discovered that I am to be deposited at my grandparents home after surgery, and not my own home and big comfy bed as I would have liked. I received a stern talking to about seizures and choking on my own vomit and I haven't peeped about it since. I did arrange for my sister to pick me up when she gets off work though, becuase really? If I'm stuck at home for days at a time? I would like to be in charge of the remote control - at the very least.

In any case - wish me luck! Here's to hopin' they don't accidentally hit my brain! Yahoo!


Listening To:

Reading: Family Pictures by Sue Miller (I think). And, of course, the TWoP recaps. Djb. *sigh*

Recently Saw: American Idol last night and...well, they were all pretty good. Once Josh is out of there it's going to be rather difficult for me to care who goes all the way.

I think it's going to be Clay though.

I also saw the Mr. Personality that I taped on Monday night. Hayley is still as crappy as I remember. I REALLY REALLY hope she winds up with mind control guy. That would crack my shit up.

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