The Better Part of Me...

Nuttin' Honey
2003-04-29 @ 3:12 p.m.

What does it mean when you're suddenly too busy to update?

Nothing really as I have indeed been too busy to update and yet, I have nothing new or exciting to report.

The weekend was fab. I discovered that no matter how much I'd like to be - I am not really a hockey person deep down in my heart. This was discovered in a sports bar around 9:30 p.m. Friday night when half of my table (and most of the bar) was jumping up and down and screaming about the game that had started, and I was bitching about the stupid trivia game totally cheating me out of points that were rightfully mine dammit and what do I need to grab at Wal Mart on my way home?

I'm invited back tonight, and see, I want to be part of that crowd because it seems like every time I"m not there, something fun and exciting happens to them. But - Tuesday night is decent TV night and I've been working on getting up at 5:30 a.m. to take Oliver for walks in the morning. Working on it being the operative phrase there - I have yet to actually do it.

I spent a little time on the campgrounds this weekend too. Oh Lord - I had forgotten how much I enjoy the camping. Everything about it. Oliver gets to run around and go swimming and fetch things and roll in things, and I? I get to run around and go swimming and fetch things and generally lay like a whale in the sun. Good. Times. There will be much more of that this summer, I assure you.

Now it's back to work. Feh.


Listening To: GAH! I forgot that I had listening capabilities!

Reading: Some crap by Belva Plain. I'm not particularly pleased with it at this time.

Recently saw: I saw Joy Ride last weekend and what a crapfest that was! Seriously? Bad. Movie.

I also saw Secretary last night - and despite the fact that it's all about S&M relationships and it's message is not necessarily healthy or good - but I liked the movie a lot. It was well put together and just different enough to make it enjoyable. Plus? James Spader. Reowr.

And, finally. Mr. Personality. Do I need to say it? Fox has certainly outdone themselves with this craptavaganza. It's worse than Joe Millionaire. How is that even possible? Where did they find the most unlikeable ice princess in America? How did they advertise for that? And what is with the dudes? Did they hold auditions at the local mental institutions? It's horrible. HORRIBLE.


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