The Better Part of Me...

R.I.P. Moby
2003-04-24 @ 4:49 p.m.

R.I.P. Moby Dick Hastings

I am sad to report that my sisters betta fish passed away sometime last evening. Moby was approximately 3 days old. The cause of death is undetermined and burial will be family only. Donations may be made to me.

Ah. Moby was my sister's fish. She bought him Sunday. She's handling the news much better than I anticipated ("dude, just flush him down the toilet, don't wait for me to get there!") and I, of course, get to clean up the ugly stinky mess.


I've been having this inner battle with myself over whether or not to attend the volunteer orientation at the local Paws & Claws this evening. I want to because - YAY PUPPIES! But I don't want to because I get off work late and have my own dog to take care of. Plus? Friends. And some good primetime news specials tonight. Plus - next Thursday is May 1 and maybe it would be good for me to just start afresh with a new month. And yes I AM coming up with stupid ass excuses to make myself feel better about being such a slug. I'm a little concerned that by the time I get my ass in gear, they won't have any volunteer positions open anymore. And I do really want to do this...

Harumph. We shall see.

It's finally the end of the day. I am leaving.

That is all.


Listening To:

Still Reading: All the usual crap.

Recently Saw: A suckarific Dawson's Creek last night (seriously - you've only got 3 shows left, do you think you could trouble yourselves to make it not suck a little bit?

An equally suckarific episode of the Bachelor in which he kept Crazy Christina and that shitty Kirstin. It's really okay though, because Andrew himself is showing some real jackass tendencies. They all suck! It's truly one sucktastic orgy! Woo!

At least I got a Dilly Bar out of the whole deal.

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