The Better Part of Me...

My Happy Place
2003-04-18 @ 10:25 a.m.

I think I drank something funny this morning. Everything is amusing to me right now - and they're all little things too! It's been a terribly long time since I found myself so genuinely amused by so many little things.


* The card from "Ryan" (Seacrest) that was waiting for me in my inbox this morning. Ryan was apparently very upset that I'd been making fun of Carmen. But he still loves me. WHEW.

* The fact that the Chairman of the ENTIRE department that I work for sent out an e-mail and closed it with "Sigh, Bob**"

(**not his real name)

He ended it with "sigh!" He's officially my new hero!

* The fact that my stepdad is going out drinking tonight in all the little towns around here with a bunch of his friends. His brother is driving them around in his motorhome! I want to run around with a bunch of MY friends in a motorhome!

* The fact that Sara seems to think she can have dibs on Andrew Firestone, when clearly he is already my boyfriend.

* The guy with the mullet at work CUT IT OFF!! I didn't even have to ask him to!! And while normally I'd be kind of sad about the fact that another mullet has met with a grisly demise - I'm actually quite happy because he's a nice guy and really quite handsome. And now? COMPLETELY MULLET FREE!

* The girl who works on my floor still has permed 80's hair but carries herself in a way that makes it clear that she thinks she's the hottest girl here.

* Only 2.5 more hours of work today! Hooray!

These good moods are few and far between for me. Y'all should snatch this up and hold it close to your heart for as long as you can.

It's especially remarkable that I'm in such a chipper mood given the fact that I found out yesterday that my hairstylist quit. She just decided she didn't want to do hair anymore. I was terribly upset last night because now I have this funky, choppy, layery, spikey 'do that I can't just take to cost cutters because if it gets butchered, it will be quite obvious! And I feel so betrayed! Like seriously? I basically funded that woman's retirement. The least she could have done was give me a heads up so that it wouldn't come as quite a shock.

Bitch. I have abandonment issues, yo. This is just not acceptable to me.

I will survive. I'm on the prowl for a new hairmistress now though. That is all.


Listening To:

Reading: Some trashy romance novel. It'll be done by tomorrow so it's not even worth mentioning. *sigh* Harlequin.

Recently Saw: I missed Friends & Scrubs last night (don't worry folks, I have them taped), but I did see the most delightful Will & Grace (those crazy kids are so cute!) and Good Morning Miami - which I really really like. Good times. Yay Thursday night TV!

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