The Better Part of Me...

God Bless Them and Keep Them
2003-04-17 @ 1:14 p.m.

I've been discussing the Laci Peterson story with Bear this morning and it's brought me some new insight.

Never getting married and dying alone is no longer the thing I fear the most in the world.

It's definitely four thousand times more scary to find "the one" I'm looking for, fall head over heals in love, give him my entire world and agree to bear his children - only to find out that not only is he not the man I thought he was - but he's capable of such barbarous evil that it renders him basically inhuman.

That, my friends, is far scarier than spending eternity alone.

There are, indeed, some pretty shitty people out there. God Bless Laci Peterson and that poor, poor baby.


Listening To: "Part of Your History" by Blue Merle. Oh. So good.

Reading: Magazines still. I'm in a drought!

Recently Saw: Dawson's Creek last night. *sigh* I'm gonna miss that show. Shut up. I know precisely how lame I sound.

The BAchelor who is still super cute but who has this annoying habit of trying to get the girls to bitch about the other girls to him. It's like he's trying to start shit. He probably hopes they'll wind up fighting in a vat of jell-o or something. Dream on little Andrew. Dream on.

Also - Why have you people not voted Carmen off of American Idol yet? WHY??? She's NOT good! she's NOT that cute! She's...Blech!

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