The Better Part of Me...

The Wind Began to Switch, the House to Pitch
2003-04-16 @ 11:55 a.m.

First thunderstorm of the year last night - and I loved it!

Except the part where I had to jump out of bed to close all the windows. And the part where the thunder kept me awake for about a half hour. And the part where I was concerned about Oliver being afraid - and he was just totally unconcerned and zonked out on the floor. So maybe I was the scared one then.

Scared of tornado's! Zoinks!

It's funny how living in North Carolina - I was never scared of Tornado's. The one time we were supposed to be hit with a major hurricane - I couldn't be bothered with it. North Carolina weather didn't scare me. It annoyed me most of the time, but it never scared me.

Back in Minnesota? Every thunderstorm brings with it the promise of a tornado. Spring is tornado season. I'm terrified of falling asleep and sleeping through the tornado sirens and winding up in fucking Oz - but not the cool Oz with the munchkins and the yellow brick road. Nuh uh. The Return to Oz Oz with the creepy wheely guys and the desert that turns you into sand and the trees that beat the living crap out of you and that talking rock.

That shit will keep you from sleeping, for surely.

In any case - I enjoy the rain. It's an enabler of my inner melancholy. It's a gloomy reprieve from the incessantly cheerful sun. Also? It's making the grass super green and I am tres excited about some green grass to go romping barefoot through.


Word to the wise people's. If you have a friend with whom you have made no attempt to stay friends with over the years - it is generally bad form to invite her to your bridal shower. It makes you look like you just want lots of presents. It makes you look selfish and immature and tacky.

That is all.


Listening To:

Reading: Various Magazines and TWoP recaps. I need a good book. I am open to suggestions. I'm also open to donations.

Recently Saw: Most of "The Rules of Attraction" starring James Van Der Beek last night. Seriously? What. a disturbing. Movie. Holy crap. This is not at all what I expected - and it was just weird. Not necessarily BAD but just...well, it's from the same guy who brought us "American Psycho" and it's basically the same kind of flick.

You be the judge.

Also - American Idol last night. PLEASE. For the love of GOD. Vote Carmen off tonight. She's HORRIBLE. She BLEATS her songs! And she's not that pretty either. I know that she's supposed to represent that collective wet dreams of 16 year old boys everywhere - but really? They can do better than that. Get her out of there. Gross.

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