The Better Part of Me...

Just Call me Angel of the Morning
2003-04-01 @ 1:42 p.m.

I heart Guster.

That is really all that can be said after the concert. I heart them. There's not a one of them I wouldn't marry - except maybe Gordon the sound guy but that's only because my sister has already laid claim to him. If you've never heard of Guster - go find some to listen to. If you've heard of them but never seen a show - go find one to go to. Hooray!

I went to my first "support the troops" rally last Sunday as well. I feel very passionately about this - and it's a little unsettling for me because it's not often that I feel very passionately about stuff. It felt good to put that energy towards something though. I've given my position on this a lot of thought - and I don't really want to go into great detail on here, but if you'd like to hash it out with me feel free to drop me an e-mail and I'll give you a go.

My goal now is to stay involved. Maybe even more involved. I'm not done with this yet.

In other news - my stepmom is pregnant. For the record, I? Am 26. Indeed, I am old enough to have a gaggle of small children myself. My dad is out of control. I think he's trying to be patron Saint of the sperm or something. He said that they'd been practicing natural family planning (and yeah, it is fun to talk to your parents about their birth control practices) and then they started praying to God about whether or not to have another baby and then God gave them a baby.

My mom thinks that it's possible they don't know how babies are made.


In any case - it was an extremely productive weekend. I took yesterday off of work to make up for it - I spent the entire day in my PJ's eating peanut butter cookie dough and watching Days of our Lives and TLC's daytime programming.

That is the life, yo.


Listening To:

Reading: Advanced Sex Tips for Girls by Cynthia Heimmel. OH.MY.GOD. this is good. And it's not dirty either - so shut up about that. It's entertaining and witty and blunt and I recognize myself in so many of the scenarios. I didn't think I'd like this book as much as I do so far. It's an easy read too. I expect to have it finished by tonight.

Recently Saw: Sweet Home Alabama (finally) yesterday - it was good. Not outstanding. But good. I cried. But I always cry. I also saw Orange County - another good, but not outstanding movie. Jackass - and, I'm sorry. I'm not buying it. Yes, I laughed sometimes but mostly I just thought about what kind of serious moron thinks up shit like that. Saw 8 Mile again on Saturday as well - I'm such a "G." I really dig that movie.

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