The Better Part of Me...

A Very Hairy Ordeal (HA!)
2003-03-26 @ 3:52 p.m.

I have new hairs!

I have new hairs!

Or - more accurately - I have no hairs!

That is right. It was time for a change. As per my usual custom when it is time for the change, I decided to start with the head and a pair of clippers. I don't know what it is about a drastic haircut that just feels so good when life is particularly gloomy and dull. The funny thing is that I made a last minute appointment for yesterday afternoon thinking I was just going to get it trimmed. Except my hairstylist is the devil and we sat and looked through magazines for about 15 minutes before I let her talk me into the crazy sassy butchered 'do that I wound up leaving with. Only - I made the mistake of mentioning that I was going out for a couple of drinks last night so she decided to "kick it up." Which - in my book would mean "let's make it extra super sassy and fun!" but in her book apparently meant "lets see how bouffant we can get it cuz I think it would be fun if your head looked like a gigantic bubble puff of hair! Wee!"

Those of you who know me know that I didn't have the heart to make her stop. She was having so much fun! So I had to make a pit stop at home on my way out for drinks in order to TAME my hair as it fought vigorously to stand straight up at the top of my head, with only the very tips curled backward as though waving to all the other tiny hairs on the back of my neck.

I should have known I was in trouble when she brought out the itty bitty curling iron. No good ever came from the itty bitty curling iron.

Anyhow - a cut, a dye & a bitchload of bling bling later - I have a naked face and a naked neck and a color that is much more complimentary to my skin tone.

Yes. That is much better.

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