The Better Part of Me...

A Jumble of Thoughts that Never get Expressed
2003-03-10 @ 2:10 p.m.

I bailed on the bachelorette party (that I had previously not mentioned because I think I knew, subconciously, that I would not be attending it) this weekend.

I feel horrible.

For what it's worth - I had a good excuse, but I still feel pretty bad.

I start to worry that if/when I ever get married none of my friends will come to my parties/wedding because I haven't made it to a single one of theirs. My sister assures me that she will throw me a bachelorette party and even if it might be just the two of us, it will still be fun. Of course, it might also exactly replicate our Friday night this past week (which consisted of meatless Subway sandwiches & freshly downloaded music to burn & one particularly creepy movie) - but it will still be good times.

The job & the conversation I'm having with Bear regarding whether or not spelling (or more appropriately - misspelling) and/or sordid pasts can be considered dealbreakers (and how much guilt should one feel over the fact that they might, indeed, be considered dealbreakers) keep me from organizing any thoughts this afternoon.


Listening To: These Days by Rascal Flatts. Unfortunately all their music seems to sound the same. Fortunately it's still pretty easy to listen to.

Reading: Songs in Ordinary Time by Mary McGarry Morris. Admittedly I just started it on my lunch hour today, but from the looks of things this is not going to be an easy one to get through. Don't hate me if I suffer an attack of ADD and wind up bailing on this book 3 chapters in. We shall see.

Recently Saw: The Ring which didn't really scare me while I was watching it. That is, it didn't scare me until it was time for me to go to bed and I had to replay the climactic scene in my head over and over again until I forced myself to concentrate more on how my dog smells like smelly earth - thereby eluding those nasty dreams I was bound to have and dreaming instead of zany antics to which details are all mine.

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