The Better Part of Me...

Angry Sister Bear
2003-03-05 @ 1:13 p.m.

Name Calling is so weak.

If you've lost your argument then bow out gracefully with a "whatever," or even a "shut up." Once namecalling has entered the picture the argument has been taken to a far lower level than arguments are ever meant to be taken and the namecaller has just lost his/her battle. If you haven't got the words to make an effective argument then you just shouldn't be arguing. If the only words you have are designed to cut your "opponent" down or make them feel small then you're weak. That is all. Sad, and weak.

Also? The word "ignorant" means this: a destitute of knowledge or education.

Thus, one person's educated opinions do not make him/her ignorant. EVEN if those educated opinions differ from your educated opinions.

Don't use a word just because you heard it in a movie once and you think it makes you sound smart. I assure you it doesn't. It makes you sound ignorant. (See how I tied that together there?)

I know you saw a movie/read and article/whathaveyou recently that was very political and managed to confirm everything you already believed about evil in the world. I don't need you to shove that down my throat - what I need you to do is take a step back and recognize that the movie/article/whathaveyou you speak of succeeded in doing what it was intended to do. Don't fool yourself into thinking that anything you read or see is absolute truth. Think for yourself and figure out both sides of the story. But if you're going to try cramming something down my throat - it had sure as Hell better not start out with "I saw the BEST movie this weekend..."

I am not above hitting.

Okay, I am. Usually. But I am not above shrieking at you in a way that startles the piss out of you.

Finally. Back the fuck off of my sister. That is, unless you feel like taking on me too - and I assure you, you don't. I have a very primal feeling in my gut about this and I will not hesitate to strike out to protect what is important to me. I suggest you just leave her the fuck alone and get on with your sad little life.

That is all.


Listening To: Puddle of Grace by Amy Jo Johnson

Still Reading Harry Potter

Recently Saw: American Idol last night - was pleasantly surprised by Clay's performance. I'm going to pick Clay, Trenyce, that Kimberly chick & maybe the girl who sang the LeAnn Rimes song to go on.

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