The Better Part of Me...

Once Upon a Time...
2003-03-04 @ 10:28 a.m.

I need winter to be done now. I need sunshine and warm weather and outdoor activities.

I called Jennifer last night. I haven't spoken to her since right before I left North Carolina. I was listening to Aimee Mann and it's fairly official now that Aimee Mann will always remind me of Jennifer & the Summer of Insanity. Just the sound of her (Aimee Mann's, not Jen's) voice somehow conjures up the images of driving home at 3 a.m. singing Red Vines at the top of our lungs and reveling in our respective angst. We saw that concert together with BG & SG - back when they were still a normal, middle class, married couple. Before BG died and SG became a lesbian. As is usually the case with the past - everything seemed so much more innocent then. I was most definitely more innocent then.

Jen wasn't home when I called, which is very typical. After we stopped being roommates, our contact with each other was sporadic at best, and things haven't changed since I upped the geographical distance between us. So I left her a message and told her I miss her and promised to call again when the mood struck me.

Fittingly, then, I had a dream about Adam last night. I was apparently back in school - somewhere, and he just appeared outside the door after one of my classes. We hugged and talked and basically picked up where we last left off. There was some drama with my parents being pissed about Adam showing up, and me suddenly running around topless and embarressed in the back of some circus tents - in front of some small children and irate parents (and I assure you, there was nothing dirty about it. It was just embarressing and weird), but what I mostly remember is how great it felt to be with him again. It just felt good to see him, even if it was only just a dream.

So I'm feeling a little nostalgic and lonely today. I blame the weather for still being dreary cold & snowy, and I blame time for never just leaving good things good.


Listening To: My old standby angst musicSullivan Street by the Counting Crows.

Still Reading:Harry Potter - and seriously? Book 4 is good!

Recently Saw: Just an itty bit of Married by America last night. It bored me too much in the first 45 minutes to make me sit there for another hour. I may have burned myself out on TV. We shall see.

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