The Better Part of Me...

The One Where I Come of Age
2003-02-25 @ 10:44 a.m.

Last night I had an incredibly important rite of passage that brought me fully into a new stage of adulthood.

I cooked my first steak.

Seriously? I am just so proud of myself! It was a little more rare than I usually eat my steak, but it tasted delicious!

With all the home improvement projects and the major steps in cooking I've been taking, it's just a matter of time before they give me my own show on the Oxygen channel or something. It will be great! I will have special guest stars like Fred Savage & Neil Patrick Harris & Tina Yothers just for the Hell of it! There will also be educational pieces on such weighty topics as "Handy places to hide your porn & whatnot. Although I don't know if they'll let me say "porn" on the Oxygen channel, so I'll just use some air quotes and say "pencils" instead.

I am severely sleep deprived.


Tonight? There is going to be some mad Bingo playing. That's right. I'm going to rock out to the tune of the B-I-N-G-O this evening. Good times will ensue. What brings on such an uncharacteristically party animalistic burst of Tuesday debauchery? (Does that sentence even make any sense? Pretend like it does.)

My Birthday.

Apparently you can play Bingo for free ANY TIME during the month of your birthday. You can only play it ONCE during that month, but it can be any time during that month. Thus - this evening will find me wallowing in some serious Bingo gluttony. Me and the old folks.

I am going to send a call out to my local friends to join me if they so desire. I dont really understand why more young people don't play Bingo. It's a perfectly cheeseball way to spend an evening. It would be better if there were alcohol involved (Bingo would make a great drinking game actually...) but still, good times can be had by those who use their imagination and sense of adventure. I, for one, am a huge fan of the cheeseball.


Listening To: Only One by James Taylor

Reading: la la la Harry Potter. Also, my weekly allottment of TWoP recaps.

Recently Saw: That Joe Millionaire reunion thing last night. Speaking of Cheeseball...gads. Could those two touch less? I mean please people, could you hold hands or SOMEthing to signify that you're not just drinkin' buddies?

The other side of that though is that I think it's more real that way. I guess if I dated a guy for a month and then he was all "I choose you, here's your ginormous promise ring" and then I didn't see him for three months and then he reunited with me on national TV? I'd probably not be so affectionate either because I'm shy and awkward like that. So couldn't they have scripted a touching scene? That's all I'm sayin...

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