The Better Part of Me...

My Big Fat Greek Family
2003-02-24 @ 2:45 p.m.

I bailed on plans to go visit Bear in Madison this weekend in order to stay home and fix up my house. The plan was to paint my bedroom, rip up the carpet to see what was underneath, paint the bathroom and lay new linoleum in the bathroom. It sounds like a big job, yes, but I had my Big Fat German Family swarm into my house early Saturday morning ready to attack the job at hand. It started out really well too. It continued to go well until my mother, in a burst of home improvement enthusiasm decided it was probably just best to gut the entire bathroom and start from scratch thus unearthing asbestos tiles and 25 year old pubic hair. Yeah, I know. Fucking gross. In the meantime, my aunt and I painted my bedroom and discovered maple hardwood floors in almost perfect condition beneath the carpet in my bedroom and my grandma went through my mail and my underwear drawer. I don't know. It was a pleasant surprise to wake up to find my underwear all neatly folded into color coded piles this morning, but seriously--what? I guess it could be worse. I mean - it could have been my GRANDPA all snooping through my undies and that sort of thing might seriously leave scars. Gram should really really be thankful that I had the foresight to move everything of a more sexual nature into a cabinet in my basement as I knew how invasive this little "painting party" could become. As it was, my grandfather wound up spending most of the day supervising the washing machine (no really, he watched my clothes get washed, that was apparently his job for the day) in a place uncomfortably close to my "super secret" hiding place. I don't know if he unearthed my secrets. Frankly? I don't care. It would be one thing if I'd left my naughty things all over the kitchen table. If you're going looking for them though, you deserve whatever it is you find.

All told, I spent 22 hours this weekend fixing up these two rooms. The end result is that the rooms are gorgeous and the resale value of my house just went up by about $5000 and I, apparently, just took another gigantic step towards old lady-dom. I also didn't shower for 2 days and ate pizza for 5 meals straight. My body is thanking me so hard today, as are these khaki pants I have somehow wedged myself into.


Bear: So what color did you wind up painting your room?

Me: pale pale lilac

Bear: Are you going to stencil or anything?

Me: I might. I might stamp some fishes or something around my bathroom.

Bear: When I lived with Ellie, we stenciled our rooms in flowers. I think you should do your room in flowers. Pretty daisies!

Me: I don't think I want to stencil in flowers. That would make the room too feminine. I would like to think that this won't always be just a girls room, I'm still holding out hope.

Bear: Dude. So. Transformers then? He-Man?

Me: Yeah. Transformers would be cool. Rugged. Manly.

Bear: Yeah. With those lilac walls. Super manly.

Transformers. Transforming girly walls everywhere.


Listening To:

Still Reading:Harry Potter & The Goblet of Fire. I'm almost halfway through! Woo!

Recently Saw: The Grammy Awards last night. They looked really sloppily put together. Like, did they forget that they were having one this year?

The show was overall quite boring, though a few things were noteworthy to me:

*Aretha Franklin should not dress like a fairy princess. Ever. She can still wail though. You. Go. Girl.

*Eminem's hair was buttercup yellow. I guess that explains the do-rag.

*Natalie Maine's hair? Did she do it herself? Or - like did her 8 year old cousin do it in...1987? I'd be pissed as Hell if I had to pay someone to make me look like that.

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