The Better Part of Me...

The One where I'm the Most Classy Person Ever
2003-02-21 @ 9:34 a.m.

So first 21 people die inChicago stampede and now 60 people in Rhode Island fire? This is the kind of scary shit that makes it almost worth being dirt poor and no longer able to afford the club scene.

Not that I was ever really into the club scene anyway. I've always preferred dark seedy joints to pretentious glammy places. Given the choice between spending $2 for a cheap beer in a seedy dive and $5 for a cheap beer at a trendy club? I'm going with the seedy bar every time. Monetary issues aside, seedy joints have a significantly less Chipster & Betty population and frankly? I could live the rest of my life without Chipster/Betty interaction and be that much happier for it. As an unofficial member of the OLP I appreciate that the less trendy night spots offer room for sitting, a path to the bathroom that doesn't involve fisticuffs and/or bodyslamming to get to, and - best of all - "interesting" people to observe and offer running commentary on throughout the evening. Plus! Seedy bars allow me to be the most classy person in the bar. Believe me, this does not happen very often. Most importantly, it would seem, my chances of dying in one of these Chipster free hideaways is significantly reduced. And I? Am just a big fan of not dying.


HAPPY FRIDAY EVERYONE! There should be zany weekend antics stories to tell on Monday as my entire family is descending upon my house this weekend in order to "fix it up." If you've seen "My Big Fat Greek Wedding," then you have an idea of what I'm in for. Heh. Wish me luck!


Listening To: I'll Think of You That Way by Carolyn Dawn Johnson

Still Reading:Harry Potter & the Goblet of Fire

Recently Saw:The Bachelor: The Aaron/Helene Tell all dealy last night. And - blah. Airing your dirty laundry on national television has never been and just never will be attractive. Yeah, I watched it. I watch a lot of things I don't approve of. Charlie (from the Bachelorette) - on the other hand - handled himself with grace AND his hair looked better. Still slicky and schmoozy looking, but better. Trista's voice...seriously bugs.

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