The Better Part of Me...

Where Everybody Knows Your Name...
2003-02-07 @ 12:25 p.m.

I woke up this morning to a "1 Missed Call" message on my cell phone. This was pretty strange because I didn't go to bed until almost 10:30 p.m. last night and pretty much anyone who knows me knows that I am just really old, and if you want to get ahold of me, you have to call before 10 p.m. I checked the call log and saw that it was from one of my oldest friends in the world - Jamie. She's apparently going to be in town tonight and wants to come see my house.


Jamie and I used to be like sisters. We were backyard neighbors so we spent a lot of time at each others homes and just a lot of time together in general - especially before we got old enough to drive. She was the first "public school" friend I'd ever had. She's the only friend I've taken a plane ride with. She's the only friend of mine who's met my dad. She and I used to plan out dance routines to New Kids on the Block songs, I in my purple tye dye spandex capri's and her in her "I Heart Joey McIntyre" tshirt and poodle perm. Seriously. We were so hott.

Originally she was supposed to move with me to North Carolina. She got involved with a guy (a guy I really liked - which is rare for me, the liking of my friends boyfriends, that is) and she didn't want to go. I didn't blame her, the moving was something I had to do for myself anyway.

So I moved away and she stayed here and life happened. We lost touch and then we got back in touch and then we lost touch and then we got back in touch and that had really just been how our friendship has worked.

Now I'm back in Minnesota and I haven't seen her in almost 2 years. She's no longer with the guy she stayed here for and we're both very different people, but I am so excited to see her. Regardless of what we've done apart from each other in the last 5 years, there is so much comfort to be taken from the fact that I knew her when she had poodle perm hair and she knew me when I thought spandex was a good idea (PLEASE NOTE: New Kids on the Block are still a good idea).

This should be fun.


I have recently stuck my nose back into the internet dating thing and I have to admit that I'm surprised by the amount of men in my dating pool who have kids. I really shouldn't be. I'm almost 26 - which means that my dating pool is roughly the 25-35 age bracket (nevermind that I more often than not find myself lusting after the 21-23 age bracket) and if a man got married at age 21 (which is perfectly acceptable, though not terribly bright by my standards -- then again, 21 is not known for being the age for being extremely wise) it's perfectly feasible that he could have 4 kids by the time he's 28. It's just...weird. I'm having a hard time imagining myself as a stepmom (or a mom at all, really) and it's just very strange for me to realize that this is the way it's going to be for me from here on out.


Listening To:I have fallen so hard core in love with "Holy Now" by Peter Mayer. I am putting it on every CD I ever make for anyone ever again.

Reading: Still "A Virtuous Woman" by Kaye Gibbons. I'm almost done though...

Recently Saw:Thursday night TV last night. I TOTALLY missed the Michael Jackson interview and I am very sad for it. Luckily Bear taped it and said I could watch it when I go visit her.

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